Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

(Sorry it's been a while... Guess it's a good thing I sold my emotions for writing skills. Haha. I wish. But anyways...)

The rest of the school year was boring compared to that. Everyone was happy. Riley got married to Aaron last week. And me and Tyler were planning on getting married in a few weeks. Graduation came and past. Nothing special. Me and Tyler both applied for colleges and were just waiting for acceptance letters.

"Hey sweetie. What if we do get into the same college? Would you like to try and rent a house with me? Or should we live in the dorms?" I asked while sitting on his basement couch.e and Tyler were cuddling on one while Aaron and Riley were snuggled up together on the floor. We were watching White Chicks. But we got bored with it so we talked instead.
"Alex. If we are in the same state, we will get a house together. No way will I be living apart from you unless I need to. And if we don't get the same school then ill be visiting you often." Tyler said and kissed my lips gently. I blushed and curled into him more loving the feeling of my mates soft warm fur. I nuzzled him a little.
"So in other words. We will be living together no matter what" I said happily.
"Hey. What about us?" Riley asked from the warm blankets and soft furball he was wrapped in, otherwise known as Aaron.
"Riley. We will live together no matter what" Aaron said smiling and kissed his forehead. "We will be visiting you lots tho. Good luck getting the college you want."
"Haha. Riley. You can live in my closet. Only rule is you can't come out" I joked at him.
"Can my boyfriend come with? Too late.." he said back and we all laughed at the joke.
"So you think you'll get into college with me. We both applied for Iowa city. But if we make it there it will be quite a trip." Tyler asked.
"Tyler. As long as I have you. That makes it all worth it" I smiled and kissed his lips.

The rest of the month passed by with no news. We both got accepted to Iowa on full ride scholarships and me and Tyler had picked out a house we were going to live together in a small town and be happy. We were going to start our lives and hopefully turn our dreams into a shining reality.

"Tyler. I got into Iowa!"I screamed as I pulled up with a half full truck of my things.
"So did I. I can't wait!" He said loading up his own pick up truck with his things. I smiled and finished helping him load his things. Together we drove off to our future in a different state. To try and start our life together.
We could never be happier!

(Thank you to all who have read my book and put up with my crappy writing. The next book in the series is out already. It's called furry love. But Tyler and Alex are a side story. Maybe ill do one from their perspective. But right now they will become minor characters. I love yuu all!!! *ultimate furry hugs and cuddles and nuzzles and snuggles!!*) ^~^

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