Preview: characters part 2

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Science kingdom

General chem
Chem is the highest ranking officer in the science kingdom military. His word is only second to the king. His rank is even above the king's counsel. Chem is a man of his word and is loyal to his comrades. He hates the magic kingdom for his own reasons. Thirteen years ago, his family was killed by magic users.

King Edward
Edward is the current ruling king of the science. He lives In the capital city of chart. Him and chem are brothers.

Prince edric
Edric is the crown prince of the science. He dose not wish to rule. He wants to study to be a researcher and work in the department of development. He doesn't really care about the war. He believes that it's a never ending part of the world.

Magic kingdom

King Mage
Mage is the current ruling king of the magic kingdom. He lives in the capital city of spell.

Queen cataila
Cataila is the current ruling queen of the magic kingdom. She holds the highest position in the kingdom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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