chapter 2: everything's down hill from here

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As we arrived back at my house and I unlocked the door seeing a note on the side hallway table, it read:

"Sweetheart, your father and I have decided to give you girls the house tonight! Be very careful and you know the rules no boys! Love you! -mum"

I sigh as I read the note Ally and Nikki grinning ear to ear knowing what they were thinking.. "Fine. I will grab the candles" I sigh giving into their pleading eyes. The two teen girls scream in delight as I go into our hall cupboard and grab ten white candles and a box of matches.

As they set up the board I open the window so some moonlight could get in. I stare out at the large field covered in a light misty fog as the silver light shone down making the grass sparkle with every little moment making it seem like the perfect night.

"Scarlett" I heard a soft voice whisper in my ear as I spun around trying to find out who was playing tricks on me I'm about to search until

"Scarlett! Come on the board is ready!" Ally said as Nikki was lighting the candles we sit at different sides of the board all placing two fingers on the planchette Ally looks at me "ask something" she huffs as I sigh

"Is there anyone here?" I ask as I feel something brush against me and I look around behind Nikki a huge shadow figure behind her loomed over the board and my small friend I gasp as it moved the piece to 'yes' I couldn't tear my eyes away from its piercing red eyes.

My eyes never tore away from the figures, "Scarlett-" I interrupt her

"Ask" was all I said after she asked "who are you" the piece moved over the letters and spelt out 'son of Satan' I wanted to be brave "who are you here for" the thing moved the piece towards me as I try to run a screeching howl came from the monstrous thing flipping the board over and it chased me around the house I ran outside running into Ally's brother he looked at me blushing "S-Scarlett nice to see you" he smiled at me.

Josh, his dazzling blue eyes and sandy blonde hair and toned body being able to feel his rippling abs under me as he helps me up "I'm really sorry Josh" I look up at him he towered over me him being 6'4 would do that. As I was about to hug him the figure flew into his body claiming it and I basically flew into the house locking the door behind me.

"Scarlett! what's going on?!" Ally yells as I lean against the door my back turned to her "Your brother.." I start as she gasps "I think he is taken over by it" I heard a simple knock at the door and look through the peep hole "Who is it?!" I yell

the creature did in fact take over Josh.. but little did he know, that I knew it wasn't him "Scarlett, please open the door. he's gone I promise" the thing said sounding exactly like him as I open the door a crack

"Why do you want me" I whisper as his eyes glow a dark blue and he leans in close to me "You are the only one" he whispered in my ear "The only one who can see us without having to be in a body" I gasp and open the door more, walk outside and shut the door behind me

"Come with me.. " he holds his hand out forming out of Josh's body I see his jet black hair, pale almost transparent complexion and dark blue to black eyes his hair slicked back and a black pair of jeans and a tee shirt he looked at me longingly "We can be free from here, free from everyone and we will live a happy life" I step back

"Never. now leave me alone!" I storm inside once more and shut and bolt lock the door. "We are cleaning this up. and never speaking of this to any living soul" I look at a petrified Ally and Nikki. This was one hell of a night..

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