chapter 3: You what?!?!

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Once we all fell asleep and woke up the next morning the house was completely spotless and we all awoke to the sweet scent of my mom's famous home made pancakes and hearing not just my mum and dad's voice, but also a strangers voice.

"Thank you for inviting me into your lovely home" the stranger slowly spoke as I heard the clinking of a cup on a saucer "I hate to take her away-" I walked into the room

"Mum.." I say softly as she looks at me her doe eyes wider than usual something that I sense that is sadness

"Hello dear, this is mister Lucifer" she grins sadly and he held his hand out to me

"Pleased to make your acquaintance miss" he grinned and she saw his long pointed front teeth and she backed up "Why are you here sir.." I ask cautiously as he turned to my mother and she looked down and back at me

"I'll let your mother explain to you what happened when you were born" he grinned devilishly at myself and my mother and I look at her as she let out a sigh "Honey.. when you were born.. you were born dead so I begged and pleaded for you to live.. so this kind sir arrived and he said he could save you... but on your eighteenth birthday.. he has to take you away from us.. to live in the underworld.. sweetie you aren't a normal teenage girl and you know this.. " I stood there falling onto the couch and looking at them and running upstairs to get dressed and I heard a knock from my door

"Go away" I call as I pull my black ripped jeans on and a black tank top the person whom I suspected was my mother as I turn around it wasn't my mother.. it was my father.

"Sweetheart please try to understand it was for your and our best" he said embracing me "You are our world.. we.. we couldn't let you go after that.. " he was crying I could tell "Please don't blame your mother for this.. you were supposed to be healthy and we did everything we could.. " I hugged him as tightly as I could

"Dad.. it's okay.. this is my fate, I must go" I was crying now. everything I loved will be gone. Ally and Nikki won't remember me, my parents live with this burden on their shoulders and I am going to be in the underworld hating my life cursing at the hellish man that wants to take me from my family and friends.

After I pack my things I walk downstairs and see the man with my parents, my mother was sobbing into my father's chest as she looks at me she embraced me tightly feeling her tears on my cheeks and I look her in the eye "I forgive you" I whisper and she embraces me again as the hellish demon opened the door for me and offered to take my bag I kindly refused and walked outside looking at my house again and then getting into the car feeling a pounding in my head as I look around and see spirits all around me. The next thing I remember is darkness engulfing me and a pounding drum inside my head saying goodbye to family and never being able to return to this world as Scarlett

A.N: Hey guys! thank you so so much for reading I'm trying to update every day or so please vote and enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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