1 My Birthday Morning

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I hear a slight jingle from my phone. Turning over to my night stand I grab my phone sliding my thumb over the alarm. Snooze and stretched before sitting up in my bed. I heard a knock on my door and my mom walks in sitting on my bed.

"Happy Birthday sweetie" My outstanding mother says kissing my forehead. "How's my 18 year old doing?" She says holding my hand. I shrug and yawn she knows I'm not a morning person knowing she doesn't expect me to talk just yet she hugs me and walks out of the room.

I walk over to my chair and put on the clothes I set out last night after my shower. I put my ripped shorts on and a normal black hoodie. I grabbed my black converse and put them on also. Brushing through my hair quick I walk downstairs greeted by only my mother and baby sister.

"Where'd dad go?" I asked my mom.

"He went out to go get your birthday present" My mother says smiling her warm and beautiful smile at me. I walked over to my baby sister picking her up. "Hi baby Kat" She giggles at what I say as I kiss her cheek.

"She's growing up" My mom nods her head yes and smiles again. "So what are your plans high school is almost over sweetie" My mom mentions as I slowly make my way towards the fridge looking for something to eat quick.

Finding nothing I shrug at my mom and walk to the bathroom to brush my own teeth.

I finished setting my tooth brush down and walking out of the bathroom. Grabbing my wallet, keys, and my bag I kiss my moms cheek heading out the door. Walking to my truck I set my bag on the other side of the seat and start the car.

Slowly moving my hand towards the radio I turned it up and I don't dance came on. Smiling to myself I pulled out of the drive way and start heading to school. Humming along to the nice country song "I don't dance.. But here I am spinning you round and round in circles, it ain't my style but I don't care.." Singing quietly to myself.

Pulling up to the parking lot, I found a nice spot that has shade by it. Parking there I turned off the truck grabbing my bag and holding my keys.
Walking towards the entrance and up the steps making my way into the school. In my school you have the jocks, populars, nerds, singers, dancers, etc. You got everything here. Shaking my head to myself I stalk towards my own locker.

I felt like I was being watched and I was. By the queen bee of them all Loren. We were never friends we never talked to each other and honestly we never thought of each other. Making eye contact with her was weird, but she was starring at me so I have the right to look back.

I turned my focus back to my locker grabbing my books. Slowly closing it and going to the cafeteria. I always have a free period in the morning and I would usually study or get some breakfast.


Walking out of the school towards my truck my two friends came up to me. Jayden and Liam. We've all been best friends for a long time. "Hey guys" I said smiling at them. "Hey Ave" Jayden says smiling at me.

Jayden she has bright brown hair and outstanding blue eyes, I think she's 5'9' while I am 5'4' short kind of I know. Liam he has blonde hair and brown eyes, he is 6'4' and really sweet. "Are you gonna come over tomorrow it's Saturday fun night" Jayden says smiling excitedly. "I don't know. You know we only have a week left of school and then we graduate for good can't it wait till then?"

She looks surprised at what I said and stormed off. "What's wrong with her?" I asked Liam opening my truck door. "She's been like that all day don't worry" he says sighing. "Alright well I gotta go bye" I got into my truck waving bye to him and sped off.

I was kind of craving some cheese burgers and curly fries so I went to the nearest food stop to get some. Parking my car and locking it I walk to the door and have a wave of amazing smell hit my nose. Smiling widely and I walk faster to the ordering area. "Hi welcome to Bubbas Family Fast Food what can I get for you today?" The lady asks nicely.

"Hi can I get a cheese burger no onions with curly fries and a drink" She nods her head and asks for the money. Getting the money out I handed her a 20 and she gave me 10$ back. Taking my cup I walked to the drink area and got doctor pepper.

"Oh miss what's your name so I can call you when it's ready?" She says to me "Oh it's Avery" I said smiling at her she nodded and walked away.

There's that feeling again I feel like someone's watching me. I turn around and see a group of guys walk in and one guy in particular stood out. He was hot everyone in the ordering area and dining area froze.

I was confused why everyone stopped what they were doing. "A..Avery" the lady stutters my name handing me my food. The hot guy looked at me and smirked. "Okay then" I mumbled to myself walking to the way back and sitting down to eat. I pulled out my phone and checked Facebook.

Seeing there was no notifications I ate some more of my curly fries. Those guys I was talking about sat really close to me. Like close and it was very awkward. Ignoring them and trying to eat more guys came in. What the fire truck. These guys looked weak and shitty compared to the other guys.

Ignoring all of these guys I got up taking my food bag and shoving my phone in my pocket I walked away.
The creepy guys kept starring at me and god I was annoyed with it. "May I help you?" I snapped at them. The leader of them I think walked towards me grabbing my ass and hair. "No baby girl" He says smirking.

"Get off of me creep" I said pushing him off. He was pissed off I don't get why you don't just do that to a girl. He grabs my arm and yanks me outside. He starts to push me to the ground and kick me.

"Never speak or do that to me again" he says kicking harder. I heard the door open and the hot guy I mentioned came out attacking him. "Get the fuck off of our territory dick!" He shouts at him. He runs off and the hot guy comes over to me. "Hey.. Are you okay?" He asks helping me up. "Not really.. I will be though. Thank you.." I said not knowing his name.

"Talon. My names Talon Lewis Michaels" He smirks at me. "Thank you Talon also I'm Avery. Avery Nevaeh Valentines" He smiles at me and grabs my arm gently and writing a number on it. "Call me if you need something or you see that guy again" I smiled at him and walked to my car. Did that just happen? And why was everyone afraid of them?.

Okay everyone this was my first chapter sorry if it was bad I'm still trying to get the hang of writing. Hope you all enjoyed it. Update will be soon.

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