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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off like crazy.

"Who the fuck is calling me at 6 o'clock in the morning?!" I had the most unappealing look on my face.

I rolled over and took my phone off the nightstand.

"Hello?" I asked with sleep aware in my voice.

"Riyah I know you didn't forget about picking us up from the airport."

Oh shit, I totally forgot about getting my sisters from the airport it slipped my mind I was only worried about this breakfast date.

"Ariana I really did I'm so sorry I can come to pick you guys up right now."

"I should beat your ass Riyah forgetting about your sisters be on your way please!" And with that, she hung up.

Before she hung up I could hear my other little sister Nicole in the background yelling about me not loving her.

I swear that girl can be so dramatic.

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to pee and freshen up a bit.

I figured since in about a couple hours Shawn and I are meeting up soon mind as well get dressed for the day.

I already took a shower before I fell asleep and a bitch isn't dirty nor does she stink so don't worry about me.

After straightening my hair and doing my eyebrows I got dressed. (Outfit in media)

Grabbing my wristlet and phone I walked downstairs and out the door to my car. I swear it be way too cold early in the morning the breeze always hits my face too hard.

"Ugh, I'm so sleepy," I whined getting in the car starting it up. I cranked the heat up high just so I could wake up a little more.

The airport is usually a good twenty minutes away but since it's 6 am and Monday morning it took me almost an hour.

I pulled into the parking lot turning my car off and got out. You would've thought my sisters would be outside but of course, they aren't.

Walking into the airport lobby I saw my sister sitting down sipping out of Starbucks cups.

"Well hello, bougie bitches." I stood in front of them with my hand on my hip.

"You got the nerve to be calling somebody bougie who gets dressed up cute just to pick their family up from the airport," Ariana said with attitude rolling her eyes.

"Riyah! I missed you so much." Nicole said getting up hugging me really tight.

"I missed you to chipmunk & for your information, I got a breakfast date in a few hours," I said still hugging Nicole and sticking my tongue out at Ariana.

They got all their bags with my help and we walked out of the airport to my car.

Since they didn't say anything about my breakfast date I knew they would say something about it once we got in the car.

We loaded up the truck with all their bags and suitcases. These bitches act like they are about to move in with all the shit they packed.

As always Nicole and Ariana started arguing about who was going to sit in the front seat. I swear they will never grow up.

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