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Breathe in. Breathe out. Don't leave me now.


It is a fresh Monday morning and I am in my room packing my last few things in order to escape the small town of Brighton and move to the big city of London. It was me, 20 year old Grace, moving out of the house that I was born and raised in, and starting a new chapter. By myself. My brother jason, is one known to be very emotional. Ever since my mother died two years ago, from a car crash, my brother, my father and I have all been very close, and have become a lot more sensitive. Jason was two years younger than me, so he wasn't leaving anytime this year. We have been very quiet the past few days, I think my father is upset that the only girl left in this family of what was four, is leaving. But I just tell him I will always visit. I stare out of the window waiting for the taxi to pull out at my driveway. I would be staying at my best friend Zoe's brothers house whilst I looked for new houses, because they are the only people I know in London. I am rather nervous to meet Joe, like Zoe, he is very popular in the YouTube world and I used to be a major viewer of his videos, until school finally crept up on me. I always knew I had a bit of a crush on Joe, but what worries me, is the fact that he might think I am a complete wierdo. I hope he is nice.

Just as I see the taxi come down our road I take my bag out of my room and lug it down the stairs of the house that holds the memories I would soon be leaving behind.
"Hey guys. My cab is her, so I better say goodbye now." I say quietly to my dad and Jason who are sitting on the couch watching the Tele. Dad turns off the TV and steps quietly over to me.
"I'm gonna miss you so much Gracie-Lacey." My dad says using the nickname my dad always calls me. "I can't forget to know what it's like to live with a girl. And it's your responsibility that I don't forget." My dad said his voice cracking along the way. I giggle slightly at my dads silly nickname that he used on me since I was a child.
"I love you dad, I will miss you, but I will always keep in touch and visit, besides, your not completely alone!" I say nodding my head to Jason who is still silently sitting on the couch patiently waiting to say goodbye.
"I love you to grace, don't ever forget it." My dad gave me a bone crushing hug, but it only comforted me.

Then I moved over to Jason who gave me the biggest hug of his life. My brother was probably the most sensitive. Mainly because him and mum always had some sort of special bond that could never be broken. We all did. When she died he became very close to me and relied on me for everything. I Was happy that I was being helpful to my little brother, it always comforted me, being nice to a loved one.
"I'm going to miss you so much." I say hugging him even tighter, this seems like the longest hug in the world and I don't want it to end.
"We're am I going to go for help?" Jason says to me, I can tell he is crying and it breaks my heart. But Jason mans up inside and smiles, but his eyes don't say what his mouth says.
"You can always call me, text me, meet up with me Jason, I'm not gone forever you know. I love you so much jay jay." I spoke, giving him a nickname that I always said to him since we were kids.
"I love you to big sis." And with Jason's words, I had a big group hug with a my father and brother.
"Now! Don't turn this into something to make you upset about! Go and enjoy the next chapter of you life!" My dad says to me.

I say goodbye for one last time to them before I grab my keys out of my pocket and hand them to my dad. "I don't think I'll be needing these anymore." I giggled as I passed them to my dad, he took them from me and gave me a warm smile. "Bye grace have fun!" My brother yelled at my as I left. I clicked the door shut and let the fresh seaside air of Brighton hit my face. Good bye Brighton, it was nice being with you. But hello London I can't wait!

The taxi driver was waiting outside my house and I stepped inside. "Sorry I took a while." I say to the diver. "that's alright, love" he said, he flashed me a friendly smile as he drove off out of Brighton, and into London. I was ready to start the next chapter of my life, and I was ready to do it now.

Authors note.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the prologue of my very first fanfiction.

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Thanks for reading!

T.M Shaw xx

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