Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

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*Raph's POV*

While the other guys fall asleep easily, I can't. I can't stop thinking about Maya and how she's evil. I guess Master Splinter was right when he said that the Shredder is the only answer to who Maya's sensei is. Maybe that's why she told me she didn't know who her sensei was on our date. Maybe she didn't know, maybe she did know. Even if she did know, she wouldn't tell me.

This is a trick. The Shredder is trying to get us through Maya. They probably have a whole plan set up on how to trap us. Maya probably told the Shredder everything we've told her. Now it makes sense. She always has to leave suddenly and she always looks nervous when the topic of ninjitsu for her comes up. She couldn't tell us because then we'd know her true colors.

I was a fool for ever falling for her.

I just hope Mikey is taking it all right. Wait, am I actually worried for him? That scares me a little bit. But, that doesn't justify what I'm feeling. Maya hurt me. She betrayed me. I bet she's going to come to the lair sometime thinking we're still friends, but I can't let that happen. I need to come up with some excuse as to why Maya can't enter the lair.

I could confront her and tell her we know that she's working for the Shredder, but then we'd probably get killed if she's anything like me and gets mad easily. Well, I don't see her having a short temper. She seems more like Mikey. You know, naive and completely innocent. Well, I thought she was naive and innocent. Turns out she's very cunning and guilty. She's guilty of playing with my heart and Mikey's heart. How dare she do that?

Wait. If we never fell for her, I wonder what would've happened. Would we be friends even though she would'nt have stolen our hearts? Would she have any purpose to keep being with us if she couldn't crush us?

Probably not. Then again, if I were to lose a friend, I would still be crushed. So, yeah. Probably.

Now I'm angry. Maya just totally took advantage of all of us like that. How dare she? She messed with the wrong group of turtles.

I head into Mikey's room and he's fast asleep. I shake him to wake him up. "Mikey!" I whisper trying to get him up. Finally, after a few seconds, he does exactly that.

"What, man? I finally just got to sleep," Mikey says and I nod trying to get him to hurry with the talking. We were going to get revenge, just the two of us. We're the two that Maya messed with the most, and she can't get away with that.

"Mikey, we're going on an adventure," I state and he shakes his head.

"Dude, I don't know if it's because I'm half asleep right now, but I don't think we should go anywhere without Leo or Donnie," he says and I laugh.

"Come on, Mikey, we're going to get revenge," I say.

"On who? The Purple Dragons? The Kraang? Baxter Stockman? Xever? Bradford? The Shredder?" he asks then stops and I know his list is over. He doesn't want me saying Maya, I can tell. But, a turtle's got to do what a turtle's got to do.

"Maya," I say straightforwardly. There's no point in trying to sugar coat it. He's going to find out sooner or later. It's better if he knows now and lets me talk him into it then backing out of a fight once he knows who we're fighting. That would make us look like cowards when I try to run after him to talk him into it.

"No, Raph, I know she hurt us, but we're not even one hundred percent sure that she's working for the Shredder. And, revenge isn't exactly right," Mikey explains and I shake my head. I'm not changing my mind about Maya. She's bad news and could get us killed.

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