More Than Friends, with Benefits

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Summary: Jonghyun and Taemin had an arrangement between them, but an unexpected incident threatened to unravel everything.


  Some things are difficult to explain. One of them was how Taemin was more beautiful than anyone Jonghyun knew, guy or girl. Another was how Jonghyun and Taemin, back when they were a little younger, ended up piled on top of one another at their empty dorm, mouths fused and limbs entwined.

They were both bored and perhaps more than a bit horny, and it all began with a harmlessly inane 'my body is better than yours' argument, because they'd already established that they were each clear winners in the singing and dancing category respectively.

"Mine is absolutely better," Jonghyun said. "You're too skinny."

"I can put on some weight."

"You have no muscle definition."

"I just haven't been training enough."

"You sound very confident for a no-muscle kid."

"At least I'm taller than you. Have been since I was fifteen."

Jonghyun's eyebrows shot up. "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be?"

Taemin grinned impishly. "You just can't deny that, can you?"

"Okay, that's it."

Thus ensued a wrestling match in which they alternately pinned each other down, first on the sofa and then on the living room floor. Jonghyun lost track of when they stopped giggling and started rubbing against each other like a couple of animals in heat. And then kissing became part of the equation, because their lips were no more than a hair's breadth apart and meeting in the middle was so simple, so easy.

It dawned on Jonghyun that he should probably act a little more maturely, being the older of the two, so although it felt so good (that friction, for goodness' sake), he grabbed Taemin by the shoulders to still him. "Wait a sec."

Taemin was on top by then, and Jonghyun thought that slender would be the better word to describe Taemin's body instead of skinny. Slender and supple. Taemin's round eyes were anxious, and Jonghyun smiled a little to reassure him. "We need to talk about this first."

"You're right," Taemin agreed instantly. "It would be weird... I mean, being in the same group and everything."

"Not if we put certain rules in place."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean keeping it strictly physical. Casual. I have needs, you have needs, and we can fulfill each other's. For stress relief, no strings attached, and all that."

Taemin nodded slowly, apparently giving it some thought. He shifted slightly and unwittingly rubbed against Jonghyun's groin some more. In an attempt not to moan out loud, Jonghyun asked, "Have you done this before?"

"Something like this..." Taemin's cheeks were aflame. "Not much, though."

"Second base? Third base?"

Taemin opened his mouth and closed it again, and Jonghyun patted his shoulder. "It's all right. We'll cover our bases first."


The first time they had sex, Taemin cried. Jonghyun felt so guilty afterward, berating himself for getting carried away and forgetting that this, after all, was new to Taemin. He'd been so intoxicated by lust he'd failed to notice the way Taemin had winced in pain with every harsh thrust into his body. It wasn't after Jonghyun had come and the haze had cleared from his head that he saw the tears rolling down Taemin's face, the bottom lip swollen after Taemin gnawed on it to keep from shouting.

"I'm sorry," he whispered to the top of Taemin's head, fingers making soothing circles on Taemin's back as the younger's damp cheek was pressed against his chest.

"It's okay," Taemin said, in a less than convincing croak that made Jonghyun feel even more apologetic. He brought Taemin's hand to his lips, pressed a soft kiss to the knuckles.

"It'll feel better next time," he promised, making a mental note to be gentler to Taemin, be more careful, use more lube. If there was a next time, he thought wryly. Taemin might decide this wasn't worth the discomfort.

But there indeed was a next time. And the next one, and the next after that. Jonghyun made sure they had ample preparations each time, and Taemin seemed to begin to find enjoyment in their couplings.

Just as he was at work, Taemin was very eager to learn. "Show me, hyung," was a favorite phrase of his. And so Jonghyun showed him. Positions, techniques, how to prolong pleasure, how to ensure satisfaction for them both. How to have fun. They had a lot of fun together.

"This is so much fun," Taemin said one day, sitting on a chair with his legs spread and Jonghyun kneeling in front of him.

Jonghyun smirked as he undid Taemin's belt with swift movements. "Fun for you, I'm sure."

Taemin tilted his head back, the tip of his tongue peeking from parted lips in that seductive way that Jonghyun liked best. Taemin still had his stage make up on, and the heavy eyeliner framing his half-lidded eyes made his stare all the more intense.

"Oh yes," he purred as he nudged Jonghyun's head down between his thighs. "Definitely."

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