Chapter 6: Snow Trip!!

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I wrote this a while ago

So it's reallt ugly lololol i'll re make it one day or later

~Amaya’s P.O.V~

I had just woken up. Honoka, Katsumi and Aiko had just woken up too. They had sat on my bed next to me as I rubbed my eyes. I stood up and brought out 3 kimonos. “Honoka, Katsumi and Aiko please choose which one I should wear, I want to look nice when I’ m around Kukai.” I told them and they giggled. “Wear this one.” They said in unison. I took the long kimono and went into the bathroom. After I changed I was wearing a long sleeve dark blue kimono with a light blue ribbon around my stomach. 

My hair was pulled up into a ponytail with a dark blue heart shaped clip in my hair. I put on my stockings and sandals before I exited my room. As I exited my room Yukiko came out in a pink long sleeve kimono with a yellow bow across her stomach. Her hair was tied up in a pony like mine with a yellow flower shaped hair clip. She had the same stockings and sandals as me.

We went downstairs and ate breakfast. Mom gave us some New Years money and we sat on the couch waiting for the rest of the Guardians to come and get us. Soon afterwards there was knock at the door. I opened it and it was Tadase, Amu, Nadeshiko, Kukai and Yaya. “Bye Mom!” both me and Yukiko yelled as we exited the house.

Everyone went and prayed for what they wanted.

~3rd person P.O.V~

Amaya did the little hand motions and Yukiko did the same. Amaya had wished to be closer to Kukai and to become a better Guardian. Yukiko on the other hand wished that she would excel in her acting and make some new good friends. 

~Amaya’s P.O.V~

After we prayed we drew out luck fortunes. I got Average luck while Yukiko got uncertain luck like Amu. “So when are we going snowboarding?” Yukiko asked. “Well you and Yaya can’t come its only for fifth and sixth graders.” Tadase told her and both and Yaya frowned.  “Sorry.” I told them and they smiled. “It’s ok we’ll go next year.” Yaya announced. 

~Time Skip :P Too lazy to write what happens sorry~

Everyone was in normal clothes sitting on the bus. I was seated next to a girl from my class. I didn’t really know her but I saw her in class once. Then a screeching noise was heard from the back of the bus. Yamabuki Saaya began singing. I’m not trying to be mean or nothing but that girl can’t sing for her life. The whole bus had their ears covered not trying to listen to her horrible singing.

After the bus ride everyone gathered waiting for our snowboard instructor. I had on a dark purple winter coat, black sweats and black boots with dark purple goggles on my head. My snowboard was black with dark purple music notes. Then a snowman began to shake. A girl popped out of it and scared Kukai half to death. It was kind of funny so I giggled at his facial reaction. 

“Who are you?” Nikaidou-sensei asked her. “Tori Mifuyu nice to meet you!” the girl said. Soon after that awkward moment Tori began teaching us how to snowboard. I was getting the hang of it pretty fast.  All of us who went were having fun falling and learning how to snowboard. I fell about 30 times. As you can tell I’m not that good with sports but I got the hang of it after Tori-chan taught me what I was doing wrong.

After we were down for the day Tori-chan invited the Guardians to watch her snowboard today in the prelims. So we all went and saw her on the big screen. I waved to her and Amu gave her a thumbs up. When she looked our way she did the same. The camera was off of everyone and we all began talking. “Hey isn’t that Mifuyu-chan?” Amu asked and we all nodded. “I’ll go see what’s wrong.” She said. “I’ll come too.” I told her as I ran with her.

As we made it to Tori-chan we heard her scream. She was screaming and yelling about an egg in her hand. “Mifuyu-chan calm down I can explain.” “How can I be calm and how can you explain. Amu began to explain to her about Guardian eggs. Then Tori-chan’s egg hatched. “Nice to meet you I’m Snoppe.” She told Tori. Tori was surprised. After we all talked we went and watched Tori snowboard with all the rest of the Guardians. She did very well.

When that was over with we all met and told her ways to help her not be nervous. Our guardian characters all introduced themselves to Snoppe. It was pretty fun until everyone had to leave and get some rest.

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