chapter 5

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Melani P.O.V

It was Friday already my birthday. And the girls has been spending the night at my house until the next tour. I was happy that I got to finally meet them but they said they had to tell me something. So I'm wondering what that is. I'm nervous.

"Happy birthday." Said my brother's hugging me.

"Thanks little guys." I said laughing

"Ok what did you have to tell me?" I asked

"Ok... so we have this huge surprise. It's that we have decided to have you come on tour with us." Said normani

I didn't move. I stopped and then moved again.

"Seriously?" I asked

"Yes." Said lauren smiling

I ran hugged them all.

"Thanks." I said

It became 5 o'clock and I was already dressed. I walked outside to see carson waiting.

"Hi." I said

"Happy birthday." He said hugging me

I laughed. "Thanks."

"Are you ready?" He asked sticking his hand out

"Yes." I said as I took his hand.

We went to the park and sat in the grass.

"So I know your favorite band after fifth harmony is little mix." He said smiling

"Yeah." I said

"Well I'm pretty sure you didn't know that they will be on tour with fifth harmony." He said smiling

"Yes I did." I said smiling

"Oh nevermind." He said laughing

We listened to music and then brought ice cream. It was already 11 o'clock he also tool me to a trampoline house and the basketball court. We was walking back to my house. We stopped in front of my door.

"Well Mel here's your stop." Carson said smiling

"Thanks." I said

"Your welcome." He said

"I enjoyed my day." I said

He smirked hugging me.

We pulled back of the hug. But there was like no space between our lips. He looked down at my lips and then he finally kissed me. We pulled back looking at each other.

"Happy birthday." He said

"Thanks." I said

"Wait can we meet up tomorrow." He asked

"Yes." I said smiling

I walked in my house to see the girls looking at me along with my brother and my sister. I looked at my phone and then I realized it was 12 at night. We'll in my case I am 15 now and got my first kiss.

"Um I'm just going to bed." I said walking pass them.

And then that's when I walked upstairs and to my room. Did I tell you that camila and lauren was both in my room staring at me very angry. It was just dinah ally normani downstairs.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me." I said throwing my stuff.

"Where the hell was you? Camila finally asked

"Um just... out with a few friends." I said nervous

"Well your late." Said lauren

"Yeah we know where not your sisters but after this week we are gonna be stuck with each other for 3 months on tour. And then we really become like sisters. And we don't even live far away from each other." Camila said

"Ok I don't understand why your so mad." I said under my breath.

I walked to my bed and went to sleep. I had to share my bed with lauren and dinah had to share with camila and ally and normani had to share.


Everyone told me that I couldn't go out cuz of last night but I still did. Today I had a show. I was already in the park with carson. He was wearing skinny jeans and vans and a beanie and a shirt that said vans on it.

"So you got in trouble last night cuz of me?" He asked

"No no, not cuz of you." I said

"Yes it is I got caught up in time. And I had to kiss you." He said but then stopped by turning around to look at me.

"Ok find I'll say it I like you." He said

He likes me. Melani. I have been called beautiful and pretty but. He likes me. We've been friends for like years and been out so many times. And yes I like him too.

"You like me?" I asked

"Yes. Melani your funny, cool, and we've been friends for years and been out before." He said

I smiled at him as he looked down at his hands

"I like you too." I said

"Can we be boy-yy-friend and girl-lll-friend?" He asked nervously

I thought for a while.

"Yes." I said

He smiled and hugged me.

"Now come on let's get you to stage." He said grabbing my hand

I walked with him to stage and before I knew it I was on stage.

I was dj. I had right hand by drake on. And right now it was fast beat. Until I decided to put some fx and it was just beat of his song. I started to dance and it was fun everyone loved it. I kept going with this for like 1 hour and that's when I saw the girls.

"Thank you and good night." I said running off the stage grabbing carson hand.

"What happened you did great." He said

"Thanks but the girls are here." I said

"Oh. Your cute when you panic." He said

I smiled but we had to leave. Everyone was coming towards me. It was probably a few hundred people I performed for.

But I was caught in the moment.

"Hi there Melani." Said normani

"Hi." I said

"Hi I'm her friend carson. I'm sorry don't be mad at her for yesterday I was the one that made her late. We went with a few friends and then it was my fault cuz I forgot what time she had to be home." He said

I looked down.

"Thanks it's ok." Said dinah

"I'm so sorry it was he birthday and our friends had a good idea and so she was out all night with us eating pizza and everything." He said

"Thanks." Said lauren

I walked him to the corner. And then kissed his cheek.

"Thanks." I said

"No problem Mel." He said

"Well I'll see you I guess tomorrow." I said

"Ok bye." He said

I walked back to the girls.

"So what was you doing here?" Ally asked

"Nothing." I said

"And here's a small video of Melani show today." I heard someone say

"Crap." I mumbled

They watched the screen on top play me dj.

"You performed." My mom asked from behind them.

Than I froze and I ran down the block where I saw carson I ran into him

"Woah you ok?" He asked catching me

"Come with me." I said

And we ran to a hotel I checked myself in. And carson left.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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