Chapter 8: Tris - Someday

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A/N: I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I had to write it in little bursts of time where I could find them, and then it ended up being a lot longer than I expected, and then I didn't really like it, so I spent a lot of time editing it. Ugh. I'm still not entirely sure I like it, but I think I just need to post it at this point and move on to the next one.

At any rate, thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed, and especially reviewed this story! I really appreciate your support. Thank you also to the marvelous BarbaraK2U, who (as she somehow always manages to do) turned this chapter around overnight so I could post it quickly.

Chapter 8: Tris – Someday

"Fine, don't tell us how it was," Christina gripes as she holds up a skirt from Shauna's closet, turning it in Tris' direction so she can evaluate how her best friend will look in it. "It's not like it was an important event or anything."

Tris rolls her eyes. "Christina, you know I don't talk about that kind of stuff." But they both know that doesn't stop her from trying to drag it out, so Christina grins impishly before opening her mouth to try again.

"You don't really need to answer, you know," Marlene interjects, her tone as calm as always. "It's already obvious." At Tris' look, she gives a little shrug. "Sorry, but seriously?" She waves a hand up and down the tourist clothing that Tris is wearing, courtesy of Tobias' rush to find something and get to the barbeque on time. "No one would end up wearing that unless the sex was spectacular."

Heat burns its way up Tris' face. She can't outright deny it, since it's absolutely true, but she doesn't have to admit it, either. "I told you – we just lost track of time and didn't want to be any later than we already were."

"Yeah." Shauna makes no attempt to hide her amusement as she wheels past them to the front part of her closet. "Don't worry, Tris. We all believe you." Picking up a dark orange blouse, she looks at Christina. "I usually wear this one with that skirt, but I'm not sure it will work with her hair color."

Christina's brows knit together for a second before she hangs the skirt back in its place. "Definitely not."

"I can pick my own clothes," Tris mutters, but she makes no move to actually do so. It's honestly easier to let the two of them come up with suggestions than to select something – and then have them argue with her about it.

So, instead, she saunters across the room, sitting on the end of the bed to wait. Lynn gives her a half-smile as she flops down next to her, sprawling across far more of the surface than someone of her petite stature should be able to manage. She's practically a cat that way.

"Personally, I think it should be mind-blowing," Lynn murmurs conspiratorially, while Christina and Shauna debate some additional items of clothing. "He's not worth the heartache unless he's the best lay you've ever had."

Tris' eyebrows rise, somewhat surprised by that comment, considering the source. Usually, Lynn stays dead silent on the subject of Tobias, uncertain what to say about someone she never liked – who then went on to rescue her sister from an accident that she caused.

"What if he is?" Tris whispers back, lying down so her head is right by Lynn's. She's never been comfortable discussing personal subjects, particularly when her feelings are as hopelessly tangled up in them as they are now, but some part of her definitely wants advice. "Then what?"

A smirk invades her friend's face. "Then, go for it."

"Just like that, huh?" Tris finds an answering smile forming. "That's all it takes to get your blessing?"

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