Chapter 9: Tobias - Expectations

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A/N: I really do apologize for how long updates are taking these days. It seems to be getting even harder to find time to write, and the frustrating part is that I can't seem to get a good flow going in such short, infrequent increments, so then I end up not liking what I've written, and I redo it, and I just get more and more aggravated. Argh! Hopefully, my schedule will improve. In the meantime, thank you very much to everyone who has continued to review this story! Your support is the biggest thing keeping me going, so please know that it's deeply appreciated. Thank you also to my wonderful beta reader, BK2U, who has been patient with my self-doubt in the last two chapters. :-)

Chapter 9: Tobias – Expectations

As a general rule, Tobias isn't fond of double dates. They're awkward at best, with an occasional shift into bizarre competitions – strange attempts to show that this pair is the better couple or this man is tougher or this woman is sexier. But he makes an exception when Zeke and Shauna invite them out to dinner.

They pick a restaurant that Tobias has never been to, though it seems like Tris has, judging by the familiar way she navigates the crowded waiting area to check in – and to see if their friends have arrived.

"They're not here yet," Tobias tells her, his extra height making it easier for him to determine that. It's no surprise, anyway, since their reservation isn't for another twenty minutes.

Tris nods, but she continues looking around, biting her lip the way she always does when she's agitated. "I didn't realize we were eating here," she finally mutters. At Tobias' look, she attempts a half smile. "I haven't been here in years."

"Bad associations?" Switching restaurants would be difficult at this hour on a Friday night, and Zeke would be all kinds of annoyed, but if his girlfriend is uncomfortable, he'll do it anyway.

Tris' eyes move to his. "Mixed, I guess." She glances around again. "Al and I used to come here a lot." Now it's Tobias' turn to nod, as he abruptly understands who she's looking for.

Instinctively, he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close so her back presses against his chest. He doesn't like picturing her with the man who proposed to her, even if she did turn him down. "Do you think he'll be here tonight?"

"I don't know." She leans further into him, her scent providing the perfect complement to the enchanting smells coming from the kitchen. "This was his favorite place even before we met, so it's possible."

"Is it a problem if he shows up?" Tobias' arms tighten, forming an iron cage of protection around her, though he's not sure exactly what he's guarding against.

"Not really." She bites her lip again, belying her statement. "It's just...." She tilts her head to look up at him. "I wouldn't want to throw you in his face, you know? I'm the one who dumped him." She picks at something on her dress. "And I might have sort of used you as an excuse when I did."

Tobias raises an eyebrow, though she can't see it, since she's looking down. "In what way?"

"Ummm." Despite the angle, he can see the flush rising up her cheeks. "As in, 'I can't marry you because I never really got over someone else.'" She says it quickly, but it draws a smirk out of Tobias anyway.

He leans down, his voice a low whisper in her ear. "Well, for what it's worth, I never got over you, either. If you'd rather go someplace else, we can."

Tris considers that for a moment before shaking her head. "No, it would be impossible to find anywhere good at this point without an hour wait. He probably won't come, and even if he does, it's been four years. I'm sure he's moved on."

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