The Shadows

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There are shadows all around us.
Some are good.
Some are bad.
They lurk in your room,
as you fall asleep.
They follow you where ever you go.
They disappear at night,
leaving you to wonder,
where they went.
Their bodies, unable to catch.
They can't be stopped.
They continue to lurk,
even after you said stop.
They are all around
as you get up for a midnight snack.
They watch your every step
but they can come in handy.
They hide you when danger creeps up
and pulls you from its grasp.
They keep out the light
when you just want to hide
from everyone and everything.
The shadows are always there.
They protect us from the bad
and push us towards the good.
They hide us from the bullies,
that are out for blood,
and scare us to the people
that love us most.
They watch with unseen eyes
as fate plays out.
As fate leaves us once again,
in the shadow's grasp.

A/N- That was "The Shadows" written by yours truly. I wrote it today during eighth period. The teacher loved it and said I should read it during class. *looks far away with a vacant look in her eye. Her little sister waves a hand in her face. She doesn't respond.* I think I might. *she said mumbling and continues to mumble.* Anywayyys.

See ya,

P.s. That rhymes LOL!

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