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This morning was very eventful. On the walk to school a black pig came out of nowhere. He followed me for a few steps then went in to the road. He blocked the traffic but finally got back over to our side of the road. He followed some other kids from my neighborhood all the way to the bus stop. Everyone crowded around him to take pictures. I happened to be standing right in front of it and it came up to me and snorted snot all over my boots. Luckily they aren't a soft material and are more like leather. It was disgusting. When the bus arrived I think the bus driver called animal control to come get the pig.

Oh, something I learned about myself last weekend. Some people thought I was a boy. Just because I didn't have hair.

When my mom was at my grandma's tennis match to drop me off so she can go to work, a man came up to us. He said "Are you sure it's a girl?" Now keep in mind we didn't know this guy at all and I was dressed in all pink. That is NOT something you ask a mother about her child. ~ ___ ~

See ya,
Emma with LONG HAIR!

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