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Emily's POV

It a strange feeling, waking up on a cold hard surface, but being kept warm by someone else's body.  Opening my eyes, I get a killer headache and I groan. Someone stirs beside me. I quickly stand up, trying to ignore my headache, but my hands find their way to my temples trying to soothe the pain.

"Hey, hey, you're alright kitten," Michael stands up and opens a medicine cabinet. "Here take these," he hands me two aspirins.

"Don't call me kitten."  I snap at him.

"Okay, okay," he puts his hands up in defence, "it's too early to fight Emily."

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. "OH MY GOD!" I yell, not even caring about my head.

"Hey Emily, could you please be a little quieter."  Michael rubs his head just like I was earlier.

"No! Who did this? What happened..." I drift off thinking.  "It was YOU!" I point at him.  "Why would I let you do that?  Oh my god, I drank way to much last night." I sit on the toilet with my head in my hands.

"You had like seriously 3 beers."  Michael laughs.

"Whatever. I've never drank alcohol before."

"And you seemed to enjoy yourself last night."  He said smugly. Ugh he really annoys me.

"No I didn't.  You must have forced me to do something!"  I accuse while standing up.

"Don't you ever fucking say that again Emily. I would never force a girl to do anything. The only thing I made you do was enjoy yourself!" He seems really angry. "And maybe make you love me." His attitude changed back to smug.

"You can't make me love you." I cross my arms.

"We'll see about that babe." He winks and walks out.

I scream internally and grip the corners of the sink.  Looking up in the mirror I count the hickeys spread across my neck. Four. I have four hickeys from Michael Clifford. I want to shoot myself in the face.

Digging my phone from out of my pocket I quickly call Kyla.

"Em?! Where the hell are you!?" She yells.

I groan, "please don't talk so loud, my head hurts. And I'm still at Calums house. I'm in the bathroom. Come get me please." I beg.

"You are a fucking retard Emmy," she laughs.  "I'll be there in 10."  I hear a click and know that she has hung up.

I splash some cold water on my face as the aspirin finally start to kick in.  Wiping under my eyes, I remove all the smeared makeup.  Finally, once i give myself a little pep talk, I leave the bathroom, trying to go unnoticed, but failing.

"Hey Emily! What are you still doing here?" Abby catches up to me and asks.

"I accidentally fell asleep in the bathroom." I say, intentionally leaving out the Michael part.  I keep walking, not fully facing her, hoping she doesn't see the marks on my neck.

"I think Michael fell asleep there to- OH MY GOD!" She shrieks.  "Were you and Michael in there together all night?!" She whisper yells.

"Keep it down would you?" I shoot her a dirty look and she replies with an apologetic one.  "Yes, but nothing happened okay?"

"Yeah, tell that to the extra hickey I see," she snorts.  "I know he only gave you three in the circle." 

"Abby.  Drop it." I snap. But then I feel bad so I add, "please," with a much softer tone.

"Fine! Fine! I'll drop it. But let me just tell you, I'm very impressed Em, I didn't think you had it in you." 

I ignore what she said, not wanting to talk about what happened any longer and put an end to our conversation.  "Okay, well I better go, Kyla is probably waiting outside for me.  Bye Abby!" I give her a little wave as I walk out.

Just as I close the door behind me Kyla pulls up and I let out a breath of relief.  Mostly because I didn't see Michael once I came out of the bathroom, but also because I knew that I could finally go back to being the Emily before the party.

What confused me though was I wasn't sure if I really wanted to be that Emily anymore.  But being that good girl Emily gave me stability. It was what I always knew.  Could I really change my life that drastically?

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