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Emily's POV

"Thank you so much for picking me up Ky!!" I give her a fail of a hug seeing as she is driving.

"Don't worry about it. Now. What happened last night? Why did you let Michael give you hickeys in truth or dare? Why do you have an extra hickey?" She shoots out one question after another.

"Ok. I think I had a few to many beers so I guess I didn't have good judgement and I was tired of being the goody two shoes all the time and I didn't want to seem lame so that's why I have the hickeys." I spit out almost as fast as she asked the questions.

"Okay.." She says slower. "But that doesn't explain why you have four hickeys. You were only dared to let him give you three."

"I was in the bathroom looking at them, seeing how bad they looked and then Michael came in and I don't know what came over me. He said that he strategically placed the hickeys so they would be less noticeable with my hair down. He did that because he knew that I wouldn't be proud to show his marks off. So me, being my stupid self, told him that I would be proud to show them off if they were worthy of being shown off."

Kyla choked on her own spit. "You whAT?!"

"I told you! I don't know what came over me. I think it was the beer to be honest. Okay now let me finish." I take a deep breath so I can continue my story at the fast pace I was already telling it in. "Then Michael asked if that was a challenge and he shut the door and he came over and stood in front of me and I didn't know what to do so I kissed him. Then we were making out and he started sucking on my neck. I put my fingers through his hair but I guess they were really cold so he jumped back or something and then the moment was sort of ruined."

"Okay? But that didn't take all night? So what else happened?" She asks.

"We sat against the wall and he started humming and then we fell asleep. I don't know!"

"Oh my god Emily, I take you to one party and you turn into this wild party girl! Okay." She says her tone turning serious. "Did you like it though?"

I stay silent for a few seconds.

"Emily? Did you?"

"I don't know! Maybe?" I say with uncertainty.

"You are going to fall for him. I just know it."

"Okay okay. Enough talking about me. Tell me what happened with you and Ashton!" I quickly change the subject. What is with everyone and wanting Michael and I to get together. It's just never going to happen.

"Nothing to be honest. We didn't even kiss. We just talked. But I thought it would be funny to make my hair a mess and pretend like we did something dirty. So Ashton decided that because of the question he asked me he would pretend like he was doing up his pants. We seriously laughed for like 3 of the 7 minutes."

"You are such a loser Kyla." I roll my eyes with a smile. "Are you going to see him again?"

"Yeah. We exchanged phone numbers and he asked me out to breakfast on Sunday! Isn't that just the cutest thing ever!" Her nose crinkles and I can tell that she is truly happy.

"He is pretty attractive."

"Oh my god." She says in a low voice. "I know right! I really like him!" Her voice gets higher with every word.

"Don't get hurt Kyla." I say in a warning tone.

"I fucking won't Em! Stop worrying about me okay?" She says with a laugh.

"Okay fine I'll stop."  I raise my hands in defeat.

"Are you hungry?"

"Actually now that you mention it, yeah I am." I say.

"Good because I'm starving. You called right before I was going to eat."  I reply with an 'oops' and we jam out to the radio until we get to the local diner.  We pull into the parking lot and I immediately recognize a car.  It's Michaels car.

"Nope, we aren't going here. Let's go somewhere else." I say quickly.

"C'mon Em. It's not that bad it'll be fine."

"No. I went to the stupid party but I'm not willingly going into a restaurant that Michael Clifford is already in.  Everything is still to awkward.  Let's just go get coffee and a muffin or something."

"Fine!" She sighs. 

Half of me wants to see Michael again, but the other half is telling me to stay far away from him.  But the half of me that does want to see him doesn't want to see him in public.  He is so much sweeter behind closed doors and I just wish he was like that all the time.  Maybe then something real could happen.

Ok from now on every chapter I post will be not edited unless stated otherwise.  This was kinda a nothing chapter because k don't really want to do really big time gaps idk.

Would it be confusing if the next chapter was the part that happened before the first chapter?  Like it would be the family get together when Michael was an asshole, so you guys kinda know more about why the fight started? Or is that dumb? Idk leave your opinion in the comments!!!

Love you guys!

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