Chapter 3

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Sophie POV
I woke up by the sound of my alarm realising that It was a school day and that today was just going to be the same as last week .Nothing will ever be the same not after that night and that night is where everything changed.

"Sophie breakfast is on the table " my mom says in a monotone voice .
My mom see she is the one trying to keep everything the same as it was 3 years ago i don't think she realises that it never will be .
I slip on my long sleeve white jumper hiding the bruises and cuts from last night . I put some black skinny jeans and proceeded to put on my black converse when my mom burst though my bedroom door
"Sophie I called you down 15 minutes ago for breakfast " my mom says trying to remain calm.
"yes mom I will be down in a minute just let me get dressed " I say focusing on putting on my shoes .
I make my way down stairs to be greeted by my mum waiting there . "Now Sophie try to make some friends today I don't want you to be alone"
I smile trying to give her hope but we both know I'm forever alone.
I walk into the gates of hell knowing what lies ahead. Just as I think I am not going to have any trouble, I get shoved to the ground hitting my head off the side of the bench. Before I could see who it's was they already ran off.

I got up as quickly as I could clutching my backpack in my hands and running straight to my locker . I open it up to find hate letters falling out I pick one up "YOU DID IT! IT IS YOUR FAULT! I WONT STOP UNTILL YOU GET THROWN IN JAIL FOR WHAT YOU DID " .I scrunch it up with the rest of the letter and throw them in the bin trying my best to forget about it
I take my seat for English class I am taking down some notes when I hear sniggering I turn around but they have stopped I turn back around trying to get on with my work but then again I can hear them saying things under there breath.

I feel little pieces of paper hit my back as they are laughing like a hyena. I've  had enough. I get up from my seat and I grab my bag running out the class room I know I will get a detention for it but I can not sit in that classroom another second.
I can't take life another second .
It was the end of school I walk up the ally trying to avoid them
"you know you can't avoid us " I hear them bellow from the bottom of the ally.
I speed up getting quicker and quicker. I thought I got away but there were two girls waiting for me. They pull me down and they rip my bag . They empty my bag laughing at everything in it. They start kicking and punching me.
"We're just making you feel the pain she felt that night" they scream at me.
I just lay there and take the beating I can't do anything now. After about 20 minutes of them beating me up they leave.

I looked down to see blood pouring from my nose, my hair in tight notts and my jumper stretch . I ran all the way home not looking back I burst through the door with tears streaming down my face.
"are you alright hunny " my mum says anxiously as she sees me coming through the door.
"yes i am fine " I say covering up the fact that I'm hurt as I run up the Stairs and slam my bedroom door behind me .
I'm done I can't take it anymore.
I just can't .
This chapter is a bit longer then the other ones .
I hoped you like it
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The next chapter will be in Calum's school life .
Thank you -Abbie

Insane/ Calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now