Chapter 1

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Stare. That's all Levi could do as he passed the bodies of his squad members.

Eld, Gunther, Oluo... And Petra.

His face was dark, the world seeming to  go by in slow motion as he passed. Besides his eyes, his face was drained of any emotion.


Levi was pulled back to reality, finding Eren standing in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" He snapped.

"U-Um..." He said, attempting to hide the fear in his voice. "You called me in here..."

"Is that so?" Captain Levi questioned, eyeing Eren.

Eren stared back, swallowing.

"Tch. You can leave now, Jaeger." Levi replied, turning around to stare out the window.

"Y-Yes sir!" Eren said loudly, giving his captain a salute before hurrying out.

Levi said nothing else after that. Petra's badge was held tightly in his hand as he watched a few birds fly past his office window. It was hard to believe his squad's death only happened yesterday. The rest of the Survey Corps seemed not to care, which was aggravating for him.

Eren was the only survivor of his squad.

"Levi," Erwin said as he opened the door to the captain's office.

Levi turned around. "What?" He sighed.

"Have you finished picking out your new squad members?" The commander asked him.

Levi stared at the blank piece of paper on his desk. "Oh," he said quietly. "No... I got distracted by Jaeger."

Erwin raised an eyebrow. "Eren? Why was he in here?"

The captain shrugged. "Apparently I called him in here, don't know why though. I must have  spaced out or something."

"I'd never expect you to space out, Levi. You're always on top of things."

"Look who's talking..." He mumbled under his breath.

"Anyways, you need your new squad selected by tomorrow. We'll be going on another expedition."

"Oh joy."

"And Levi," Erwin said as he began to walk out the door. "Keep Eren on your squad."

"Hm? Why?" He asked.

"Because he'll be a good advantage. Plus, he works well with you."

The commander walked out, leaving Levi alone with his thoughts.


(Author-san is sorry this is so short OnO  as the book progresses the chapters will get longer!

Levi: Oh really

Author-san: *death glare*


Author-san: YES REALLY)

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