Chapter 2

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Levi was awoken with his head being smashed to his desk.

"Gah!" He screamed, holding the side of his head with one hand. "What the-?"

"Helloooooooooooooo corporal!" Hanji said a bit too cheerfully. "You overslept so I thought I should wake you up!"

"That's not a reason to break my face, Hanji," He snapped.

"Well you wouldn't wake up!" She protested, bringing her hands down on Levi's desk, making him jump. "You seem a bit jumpy today..."

He sighed. "Long story."

"Ooooooooh I see," she said with a smirk, placing her glasses on her head. "Secret, huh?"

The captain just glared, staring at the still blank piece of paper on his desk. Crap, I forgot to fill out the forum... Erwin's going to kill me...

"Something wrong corporal?" Hanji asked, a wide grin on her face.

"No," he replied. "And stop that. It's creepy."

"Look's who's talking," she laughed.

"Anyways... What the crap do you want, Hanji?"

"Oh right!" She said, lifting her hands off the desk and giving a small jump. "Can I borrow Eren?"

Levi's eyes narrowed slightly. "Eren...? Why?"

Hanji slid her glasses back on her face. "Experiments! Duh!" She said, poking Levi in the face.

He just raised an eyebrow in response. "Can you sit still for one second, Hanji Zoe?"

Hanji shrugged. "But where's Jaeger?"

"Don't know," He said casually, turning his gaze back to the forum.

"DANG IT!" She screeched, pratcically breaking his desk in half.

At that moment the door opened. Both of the captains turned to see Eren standing at the door, eyeing the two. "Um... Capta-

"THERE YOU ARE!" Gasped Hanji, tackling Eren. "We have SOOOOOOOOOOOO many experiments to work on, Titan Boy! Now-"

"Hanji. Leave Jaeger alone." He said, looking at Eren who was trying to escape Hanji's signature iron grip.

"But....But.." Hanji began to protest.

Levi stood up, walking over to Hanji and forcefully pulling her away from Eren.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screamed in protest.

Eren dropped to the floor, gasping for air. Levi assumed it was because Hanji had been nearly choking him to death with that tackle.

"Are you alright, Jaeger?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah..." Eren coughed, standing up slowly.

"You'd better be. We can't afford to loose anymore soliders." He walked back over to his desk, sitting down in his chair. "Why are you in here? Is it because I called you in here last night and you want to know why?"

"No... Actually... Erwin wanted to know if you finished your forum thing."

"Tch. He can't ask me himself?" He said grumpily, searching for a pen.

"He said he was busy, sir." Eren swallowed.

Levi looked up. "Why do you seem scared of me? I don't bite you know," he said. His voice surprisingly softer than usual.

"I....I um..." Eren said, trying to think of a response. "I don't know..." He lied.

The captain leaned forward a bit. "Really?"

Eren nodded shakily. He obviously seemed scared and terrified... embarrassed even.

"Okay people!" Shouted Hanji impatiently. "Can I have Titan Boy now?"

"Calm down, Hanji. I'll think about it," he snapped.

Eren adjusted his jacket, awaiting orders.

The captain turned back to Eren, staring at him. "Why are you still waiting here?"

"U-Um... Do you need me to do something for you?" He stuttered. His face was getting redder by the minute.

Levi laughed softly. "Gosh, Eren. Why are you so nervous?"

He shrugged.

Very strange for him to be acting this way... He usual looks like he'll kill anyone and anything every second.

"You can leave now, Jaeger."

Eren saluted. "Y-Yes sir!"

Levi sighed. "You can him now, Hanji."

Hanji squealed with delight. "YEEEEEE! I thought you guys would talk forever! Come on Eren!" She half ran, half skipped out the door.

Eren followed, flashing a last glance at Levi who was watching him closely.

(Seeeeeee? I told you this chapter would be longer! OwO)

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