The beloved brother.

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This is the remake of the first story in the Renegade series. It won't be as Good as the Sequel but here we go.

Maxwell Bay.

Location: Flagship of Republic fleet, Republic Cruiser Pride in geosynchronous orbit above Coruscant

The four-star Admiral leaned against one of the many windows that lined the Starboard bridge of his flagship, the Venator-class Pride next to the Rutian Twi'lek. "Do you know where Fleet-Comm will be sending you next?" Aayla asked.

Maxwell shrugged slightly. He was one of the highest ranking Flag Officers in the Republic Navy but Fleet High Command still liked to surprise him. "No, but you and the 327th are getting the Quell ops. I pulled a few strings for you," Maxwell announced and Aayla grinned.

"Thank you old friend," Aayla said and got back to her feet. "Well, it was nice to talk you again. If you ever take any leave in absence in the future you need to make sure that I do too. We could hang out, just like in the old days," She offered and winked.

"I will be sure to remember that," Maxwell promised. He didn't miss the hidden invitation.

"Do that. Now, I must return to the temple and inform Ahsoka that I still haven't managed to recruit you back to the ranks of the Order," Aayla said and then embraced her old friend. "May the force be with you Admiral Bay," the Twi'lek said and bowed slightly.

"May the force be with you Jedi Knight," the Admiral replied and inclined his head in return.

The Twi'lek smiled at him one more time and then left the bridge.

Now alone, the Republic Admiral stared out of the windows that lined his Flagship's bridge as one of the alert squadrons flying in formation alongside his ship.

"Admiral, we have a contact on long our long-range sensors. Fleet command wants to know if we can intercept," one of the communications officers reported.

Maxwell sighed and walked over to a computer terminal at the wall and scanned over the date from the long-range sensors. "Send a confirmation signal to Fleet HQ. Helm, bring us in position. I'll be in CIC!"

Before any of the bridge officers could reply a flash of light appeared few hundred miles to port as another Cruiser dropped out of hyperspace.

"It's a Venator....sir, I think it's the Grace," a second officer hesitantly announced.

Maxwell sighed.

He was not about to let his frustration on his brother's inability to follow simple fleet protocol get the better of him.

"Ahm, I think she's hailing us. Should her put her through?" the Pride's first officer, a young dark-skinned woman asked. Nina Foster was one of the youngest officers on the bridge but she was extremely talented. She deserved to be where she was.

"Please don't," he joked, allowing a small breach of protocol. The last few months had been hard on, even on his battle-hardened and elite crew. Seven months of war without a day off took its toll. Other crews would not have been able to cope with the stress. However, Maxwell held the men and women under his command to higher standards. They were the crew sixth fleet's Flagships after all.

Alexander Bay

Alexander crossed his arms and grinned at his brother's ship, the Pride.

"Sir, the Pride is ignoring our hails."

He snorted, "Call the Galactic Academy of Science, it is proven. My dear brother has a sense of humor."

StarWars: Renegade (The Traitors crown) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now