Leaving Ryloth

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Okay, I am just going to publish these and not change the pov because I want to get to book two which is much better written.

Chap 6. - Alex pov

Delta team and Maxwell took the first available LAAT back to our ground base on Ryloth. During the half hour flight, they stayed in silence. This was only the first flight of many. Every single ship with engines and storage space would be heading back and forth between the Pride and the camp to get our hardware back to the ship. As he got closer to the camp he spotted a larger Twi'lek village. The village hadn't had any problems since our arrival because of its proximity to the camp. Just then he had an idea, a crazy, morally objectionable idea but an Idea. It would definitely cut all our remaining ties to the Republic but it would also open up a lot of new possibilities. Most important of all it was one last insult to the Republic.

He knew that my brother would definitely object at first until he got used to the idea and truly considered its merits but if he played this right he would have to accept my choice for now. Of course, he would be forced accept the cold logic in his plan because that was who he was. He would also probably learn to enjoy the perks of what his plan brought with it after a short while. He would find the idea slightly disturbing in the beginning. But still, despite his flawless appearance, he knew how ruthless Maxwell could be. What were a few slaves compared to the burning of entire worlds?

"Hey Boss. I have an idea."

Marxwell pov.

Yela, Nina, and Maxwell were currently sitting in the Commanding Office staring at a holographic star chart." He was sitting behind my deck, the two women had taken seats on the opposite side. Steven was currently busy packing together his belongings. He had told me in private that he would appreciate it if we dropped him off at some Republic outpost when we left the Republic.

He had agreed. Steven had always been a good officer and he had no interest in forcing him to stay. He had given me his word not to tell anybody where they planned to go.

That was another reason why Nina was here instead of him. She would be the new executing officer. She was respected, especially after the last battle and she was a loyal officer. Together with Yela she was also one of the brightest officers at my disposal. Yela had also expressed her interest to play a more important part in my crew now that she didn't have a spy agency to work for so he would see how she handled herself and if it worked out she would become the second mate.

They were currently looking for ways to get deep into the Republic without being noticed. Of course, no one was going to ask any questions but the element of surprise was crucial for the success of his brother's crazy plan. How he planned to convince the crew to follow him at such short notice was beyond him but he knew him well enough to know that there was no stopping him. Their work was tiresome and slow but we continued.

The ship's repairs were practically finished. All damaged systems had been fixed, all weapons were online but the Pride still had scars. They didn't cause any trouble but still.....I preferred a nice flawless ships hull. "We could fly past the Sagely system and do a gravity turn around its star. Then we can use to nebula X374-JK-904 as cover. There we can stop and let the General debark. With a diplomatic Cruiser, he could get to Kuat within four days. It isn't perfect but it will have to do for now. From there we could do a nonstop jump to Hoth."

"Yeah, I guess that could work," Yela, admitted. She didn't sound too pleased with herself. "We will present the General with this course of action. Nina, you've been a great help. Get some sleep, you look ready to pass out. That is an order."

"Yes, sir." Nina got up, saluted and left the office. I turned off the holoprojector and turned on the main light.

Then I stared at Yela who fidgeted uncomfortably. The force was definitely strong around Yela, how strong was too early to tell. "Max, what do you think will happen next?" Yela asked. I shrugged: "Good question. I guess we will find our way. There is a good chance it will be a lot different from what we imagine now." Yela nodded. "Beep! Beep!" My doorbell came to life. "It's open, we are in the office." Heavy footsteps came from the living room and a few seconds later my office door slid opened with a hiss. Sparkles stepped into my room.

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