chapter 4

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This is dedicated to Tishakapiya because she\he was the first person to add me to their reading list!Thank you so much;)

So I thought I should have a schedule , so Im gonna try to update evry sunday or something.Im not really sure if Im gonna make it but Im gonna try I promise.okay lets cokntinue with the story

jay's pov

You know what's annoying?seeing the guy youre so desperately trying to avoid everywhere!First when I was trying to smoke unnoticed behind school than in the classroom when he said next to me and now this.

I was sitting on a swing at the park when I saw him.he didnt seem to notice me,he was looking at the screen of his phone.

"damn it"he murmured under his breath.he was close enough for me to hear.He looked up from his phone abruptly and shock overcame his features." Are you like following me or something?"The guy had some nerve

"You wish.idiot"okay the second part wasnt loud enough for him to hear.

He glared at me before he sat down on the swing next to me.okay so maybe he did hear.

a long sigh left his mouth that made his features overcome with irritation." my friend was supposed to meet me here but looks like he stood me up"

"who meets friends out at this time of night?its like 12:45"

"ughhh you sound just like my dad.besides youre the one sitting alone in the dark at 12:45 at night"


"fine"a long pause of silence overcame was a little cold so i put my hands further into my pockets to try and warm them was starting to get rally awkward.

"Sooo......why are you sitting alone in the dark at 12:4...7 at night?" he asked while checking the time on his phone.

"I was bored at home and I come here to think sometimes"

"think?about what?"

"none of your business"

"well you dont really have anything better to do so you might as well tell me"

"i do have better things to do"

"yeah?like what?"

"like ignore you"

"Ouch.that hurts man" he said mockingly putting his hand on his heart where i apparently hurt him.

I smiled a little at the stupid grimace he was pulling and made my head hang down so he couldnt see.

"Soo.... why are you meeting a friend at midnight in the cold?"

"I needed him to take my mind of something for a while"

"of what?"

"None of your business" he said in a voice immitating mine.I glared at him and he let a chuckle leave his mouth.but when he opened his mouth again all humor had left his face and sadness overtook it.he suddenly looked really serious.he cleared his throat before speaking"uhmm my dad and I .....not really getting along"his voice was so quite i could barely make out what he said.

"its really cold"he cleared his throat again. he was obviously trying to change the subject.if someone told me that nick edwards actually had problems with his dad i would think it was something like nick being mad at him because he didnt buy him the new car he wanted or something.but the way he said it and the way all seriousness left his face in just seconds made me believe that something serious could actually be going on.

"yup" I said not continuing our previous conversation even though I was now the slightest bit curious.I dont even know whats wrong with me.why do i even care?i mean i hate this guy.hes just so annoying.even though right now hes not that bad.what?what the f*ck am i saying?

I stood up abruptly trying to let go of my thoughts before they get the best of me."I gotta go"I said.his face was overcome with sadness and hurt for not even a second before he caught himself and went back to his usual facial axpression.the sudden change making me wonder if i ever saw anything at all.I walked passed him and he put on a fake smile making me wonder if ive ever seen him smile a real smile,or if the laughs i hear in the hallway in scholl are all just fake ones as well.

I took some steps to the direction of the exit of the park but then abruptly stopped regretting it immediately.I let out a long sigh and turned around going towards him.He pulled up his face from the ground that aplarently was really interesting and looked up at me.his blue eyes holding the tiniest bit oh hope.I realised that I hadnt talked for a while and was just looking into his eyes but then I caught myself cleared my throat and looked away.what the hell is wrong with me?" bad are things with your dad?"Im so gonna regret this.

he looked at me and the fact that his eyes werent focusing made me think that he was having a dilemma in his head.he shook his head and spoke up.his voice a little higher than usual."things are great with my dad.yeah everythings fine you know we just got into a fight thats all.nothing serious"

I knew he was lying but it was like my brain didnt acted like it didnt know that he was lying .

"okay" i nodded slowly and then backed away.I think there was nothing more I could do.

word count:868

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