-Two Years-

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Timothy's POV
Two years passed and everything was okay, Akuma was fun and nice most of the time, I hid in my room when he was angry. I never did anything wrong and I always obeyed him. I don't want a punishment. I don't even know what it is, but whatever it is, it must be terrible.
He rang the bell for me to come into the main room. I ran as fast as I could. He doesn't care if I run, he only cares if I make it there in time. I always do.
"I just wanted to tell you that your friend Rose is coming over." He was reading The Hunger Games.
I nodded and swung my tail back and forth, walking back to my room until Rose arrived.
I yawned and fell onto my bed. 'Sleep.. Just sleep...' I thought.
I fell asleep minutes later.
Rose was standing beside me, I was in a hospital bed.
My face was burning, there was something there, but I couldn't get up.
"Stay with me Kitty." Rose was crying.
I couldn't say anything.
"Please stay with me." She grabbed me by the neck and threw me on the floor.
-The dream is over-
I woke up, I was on the floor and Akuma was in front of me.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" He yelled at me.
I started crying, he never does this, I thought he was nice.
He grinned. "You broke one of my rules, now you'll be punished." He pulled me off the ground and into his room.
"I-I'm sorry Master!" I cried, but was probably making my punishment worse by the second.
He smirked. "Don't cry little Kitty~" He purred and threw me onto his bed.
( Time skip, because I said so. )
He pushed me onto the floor and made me put my uniform on, the bell collar was on my neck the whole time.
"Go to your room, your friend is on her way." Akuma spoke with less of a harsh tone than he was before.
A nodded and wiped a tear off my face.
"Your punishment is over, next time, listen to what I say." Akuma said.
I ran to my room and cried on my bed.

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