Chapter One

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Karkat woke after a nightmare. Those were common after completing the game, but they were still leaving an impact on his being. He got out of his sleeping bag, and put on his slippers. It was dangerous to walk barefoot in the abandoned hotel he lived in with the Striders. Aradia and Sollux also, of course. He went into the torn lobby, and grabbed his hoodie and covered his head. It was also dangerous for other humans to see his skin and his horns. He walked over to the fountain and grabbed a purifier. He pumped himself a cup of water and walked to the top floor. The top floor was his favorite place because he could see the city below and barely anyone would look long enough to see him. He looked across the harbor for a few minutes before someone came and sat next to him.

"Hey Karkat. Pretty nice here huh?" Aradia asked him.

Karkat took a few seconds before answering. "Oh what? Y-Yeah. I guess."

Aradia asked for some water also, and Karkat gave her some. It was rare to get water multiple times a day, so the three trolls shared a lot. The thought reminded him of the others. Terezi, Nepeta, Feferi, Vriska... The trolls separated so it wouldn't be suspicious for a large group to be hanging out in a building. The humans separated themselves with their family connection. Dave with Dirk, Jane with John, etc. Karkat tapped the floor. He continued to look at the harbor, but it was chilly in his old dirty hoodie.

"We should go inside. We don't want to get caught. I'm kinda hungry too." Aradia told him. Karkat nodded, got up, and followed her down the creaking molding stairs. They went back into the basement, where there was no windows. There was plenty of dried foods, but it was always nicer when the Striders stole some food for them after their day working at the cafe. Karkat checked the wall clock. 9:17. The Striders would've left over an hour ago. He thought about Dave, and Dirk. Karkat liked Dave better. They were morails, but it was kinda awkward...

Aradia woke Sollux who was sleeping with the emergency phone. It was a flip phone, but it still had internet. Sollux mostly used it to make phony posts for extra clothing and supplies. It worked a lot of times, and they had a pile of clothing in the corner. Karkat liked his hoodie better than the other ones that been used before. It didn't smell like him or his old home. Sollux groaned and worked with Aradia to start the fire. Karkat went into the cooler, which was filled with cold water. The area of that room was the coldest, so it kept the meat cold.

He got a pack of hotdogs and some prongs. He gave one to everyone else and they silently ate. Afterwards, they cleaned the prongs in the tub of water they would get from the water leak. The leak aimed into the sewer, but they could move the pipe into a tub. The water wasn't as fresh as the fountain water though. Aradia cleaned the soot around the fire, and Sollux cleaned the room. Karkat sighed.

He hated this life. They didn't eat much, and just eating hotdogs were bland. He missed going out. It was only safe for him to go at night.

"So." He started. "Can we go outside today? Like when it's actually fucking light out?"

Aradia sighed. "I don't know. I love outside. Especially in the fall with the pretty leaves and all, but it seems dangerous if we all go together. Maybe we can take shifts."

"I volunteer to go first." Karkat called dibs.

"Fine by me." Sollux answered.

Karkat got his shades, gloves, and other necessities to cover his skin and face. It would definitely make people think he was a gang member, but it was safer than getting experimented on. He couldn't imagine what they would do to him. He walked outside, facing rows of buildings. He turned left towards Central Avenue, and breathed in the Earthen air.

Sorry it's so short! I'm just trying to get used to this whole "fanfiction" idea. The story will get longer as I progress, I promise. Hopefully you enjoyed! ^_^

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