Chapter 3

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Sorry for the delay! ;-; I got a little busy ;;--;;

The car sped out of the parking lot, and Karkat slunk into his seat once again. Snowman was silently growling, and kept giving Karkat glares in the mirror. Karkat turned away from the window, and tried his best to get comfortable with the buckle stabbing him. "What would they do to me?" He asked himself. He could be saved really soon by the others. He highly doubted that Dave and Dirk would just go back to work normally after what happened.

"I'm taking you to the hospital at the end of town. It's more... Permanent... You can say. Since your blood is weird and you're weird in general." Snowman told him.

Karkat sighed and tried to fall asleep. He couldn't sleep in moving vehicles before, but after the three year period made him have to get used to it. He closed his eyes, and no dreams came like usual.

He felt the car go to a jolt, and Karkat almost fell out of the seat but the seatbelt caught him. He unbuckled, and looked up at the brick building. It was shorter than the skyscrapers he usually saw, and it was laced with white windows reflecting rooms and corridors. He saw a few people walk through the halls, such as humans with giant yellow body suits pushing a bed with a person that was more green in color and had brown lumps all over it. He shuddered. This was not the place he wanted to stay in. Snowman pushed him in the building, shuddered, and drove off. A woman greeted him, wearing a mask covering her face and wearing thick gloves.

"You must be the teen that has the blood problem, eh?" The woman said with a muffled Canadian accent. Karkat nodded, while he was holding his own hands close to his chest in silent fear. But the woman knew what he was feeling.

"Don't be scared. You'll love it here~" She said in a calming trancelike voice. The voice made Karkat dizzy. the woman led him to a wheelchair, and took him to a room in the very back of the building. Karkat examined the hallway, it was white with checkered color tiles you would find in a school. The walls were filled with many names, such as Dr. Hussie and more. Hussie... That name Karkat have a feeling like he was stabbed twice in the chest.

The woman finally pushed him to a room, and left him. A man was sitting there already, and he resembled more like a dog than a human.

"Hello. My name is Jack~" He said in a trancelike voice similar to the woman's. He led Karkat to the bed. The room was a dark grey, with everything either being grey or black. The bed was hard, and there was a mirror in front where he was laying down.

"Let's begin the tests~" he said.

Karkat's heart started to race. His mind was filling up with endless horrible possibilities, all leading to his lost of life. The man came back with a syringe, and put it in Karkat's elbow armpit. Karkat was sweating and afraid, and the man was grunting when he saw Karkat's blood. He pulled the syringe after it was full, and examined it.

"I can't believe she wasn't joking..." He said without the trance voice.

He ran into the mirror room leaving Karkat alone. Another man came back, wearing a full body suit. He strapped Karkat into restraints and left.

"Wait! Wh-Why are you doing this? Let. Me. GO!" Karkat struggled against the fabrics of strong leather.

A microphone snapped on, revealing Jack's voice.

"We need to constrain you. You might be a danger to society. We're going to do a blood test." Karkat barely heard that he said that they were lucky that the government gave them quicker ones. He didn't care. He needed to get out.

Karkat looked around the room, and found nothing. He kept pulling his arms upward to set them free. Before he knew it, the strains got tighter. He fell back against the bed and sighed. His eyes filled with tears as he was thinking about his own little circle of family. Did the other humans and trolls know? What were they doing right now? Were they close? Karkat sighed again, feeling his consciences slipped away.


Karkat woke to the sound of arguing what felt like only a few minutes later. The sun outside was setting, and he saw the men outside the door. He listened closely.

"I'm telling you sir! It's not human!"

"That's impossible Hussie. There must be something wrong with the machine!"

"I swear! It explains so much!" The man Hussie replied back.

Karkat stopped immediately. They found out. What now?

It's also a little short... But cliffhangers yay!

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