Chapter two

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Faith's (pov)
I wonder how many more years I would have to take of this hell. Last night wasn't the best night I've had I'm not sure if they found the body what if they find me but then how could they no one knows I'm alive. Even if they did everyone would fear me and just want me died but how could you kill something that is already died. It's strange to say that i'm died yet i'm still here with a non beating heart. There's not much to do today well there's never nothing to do I walked by my mothers piano then stop I could still remember the first day I learn how to play ~ flash back ~ There was a sound coming from a room I drop my doll and ran to it my mother was sitting in front of a big black thing " mommy what's that?" I asked her " that my dear is called a piano" she smiled at me "come" I walked up to her and sat down on the bench " now put your fingers on theses little white things and move them" she grab my hands and put them over them as soon as my fingers push down on them it made a sound like I never heard before. She moved my fingers with her it was like magic such a beautiful sound "see now you do it on your own" I did as she told me with a smile on my face I closed my eyes and let the sound take over me ~back to the present~ I open my eyes I miss her she could have lived longer if it wasn't for them they killed her the-me it was me that killed if it wasn't for me she could have still lived her life along with my father out of range I began to break things I broke a frame that had a picture of me and my mother. I picked it up and looked at it I put it over the candle and watched it burn slowly " I love you only if I could have told you that mother" It was now just ash just like my heart I wouldn't kill anyone only if I had to if only people could have seen that but there to blind to see what's really evil. Maybe in today's time they could understand but I'm not going to risk it not just yet . I may have cold skin and a non beating heart but I could still love you don't need a heart to love you need yourself

I'm sorry that its to short next time I will update more thank you for the people who are reading this story it means a lot I will update as much as I can i'm hoping to update twice a week or more thank you again and I hope you guys like this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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