Chapter 2

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*||Hey guys! So I decided that I would continue with this story! I'm really enjoying writing it! Feedback would be awesome!||*



It was 6:32 in the morning when I jolted awake. The sun was barely shining through the hotel window. I shoved the pillow back over my head and tried to fall back asleep. After about 5 minutes I forced myself to get up. I walked into the bathroom.

I was a mess. My hair was messy, I needed to brush my teeth, and I still had leftover makeup on from the previous night.

I jumped in the shower for about 10 minutes. I slipped on some comfortable jeans, a blouse with purple flowers on it and proceeded to brush my hair and teeth when I heard a knock on my door.

Oh crap! I thought.

I set my toothbrush down and sprinted to the door. I opened it slowly and there stood Markiplier. He was wearing his lucky red flannel, some simple blue jeans, and black converse. And boy did he look handsome. I tried to contain my excitement. Part of me wanted to just scream.

I finally realized that I was standing there for a good 10 seconds just staring at him. A smirk grew across his face.

"You were staring," he chuckled.

"Oh, s-sorry, I uh.."

"Don't worry about it," he said cooly.

He was very polite but something seemed off.

"Come in, sit down," I managed.

Markiplier made his way into my hotel room. He calmly sat on the couch that was in the corner by the window.

"Are you coming?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah."

I closed the door and walked towards the couch. I had no idea what was going on. Markiplier was sitting in my hotel room. For what reason? I had no idea. I sat down on the dusty brown hotel couch next to Markiplier.

He stared at me with a little smirk.

"So what's your name?" he asked.

"(y/n)," I said shaking.

"Ah," he nodded. "That's quite a wonderful name."

"Why me?" I blurted, not thinking.

"What do you mean?" He seemed thoroughly confused, tilting his head ever so slightly, like a puppy.

He had deep brown eyes like mine. I caught myself staring again.

"Uh, well, why did you choose to talk to me? I mean you have millions of other fans out there, why am I the one you chose?"

I was trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. I could feel my face get hotter and hotter.

"Why not?"

"But I'm just a random person and you're.. You're Markipli-"

"Call me Mark," he interrupted.


I had to get this girl's name I thought. She was so gorgeous, like no other girl I had seen before. I slipped on my lucky red flannel and started out the door.

When I knocked on her door, she answered opening the door slowly. I could tell that she was a little stressed. Part of me wanted to just reach out and kiss her.

Snap out of it, Mark. I just met her yesterday. I don't even know her name.

Anxiety rushed into my body. What do I say!?

I gave her a little smirk.

"You were staring," I said playfully, though I didn't mind it at all.

"Oh, s-sorry, I uh," she seemed at a loss for words.

"Don't worry about it."

"Come in, sit down," she offered. She pushed her still wet red hair out of her eyes.

Somehow, I was the one freaking out. I was freaking out over a fan. I was the famous one. This was just odd.

Does this mean something? I thought.

I made my way to the couch by the window and sat down, resting my arm on the back of the couch.

"Are you coming?" I was playing cool but on the inside, my stomach was in a knot. I don't know how I kept it together.

"Yeah, Yeah," she said. Before I knew it she was on the couch next to me. I wanted to be close to her.

"So what's your name?" I asked considering that was my original intention.

"(y/n)," she said shyly.

"Ah.. That's quite a wonderful name."

This was good. Flirting is good. Keep it together Mark. I kept a smirk on my face the whole time.

"Why me?" she frantically asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, very confused.

I could feel her staring at me again. Right into my eyes.

"Uh, well, why did you choose to talk to me? I mean you have millions of other fans out there, why am I the one you chose?" She said.

She was just so beautiful, that's why.

"Why not?" I prompted.

"But I'm just a random person and you're.. You're Markipli-"

"Call me Mark," I interrupted.

*||Okay so this chapter was a little longer than I intended but I just couldn't stop writing! Hopr you guys like it!||*


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