Kendall & Twitter

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You're on twitter. Kendall is writing some fans back but not you. Even though you've tried so hard for a long time now to get his attention. Disappointed cause he doesn't seem to notice that you admire him you tweet him: "I've been trying to get your attention for such a long time now why won't you notice me?!" You want to go offline but suddenly your dm box says that there is a new message. You open it and.. It's from Kendall! You're heart beats faster. "Hey (Y/N). You're wrong I've notices you. You and you're sweet tweets you send me. Sorry it took me so long to write but I didn't know how to contact you without looking like a fool. Btw you're really pretty." You hesitate. "Really Kendall? Well I didn't expect that." You try to sound chillaxed. You think that maybe it was all just a joke. But then he is typing again. "Well if you don't mind maybe we could Skype sometime?"

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