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Second Chapter: Friendsary Date

[ H A I L E E ' S ]

After that shadow travel, Nico insisted that we should take a rest for a while (or rather he) and sit for a few minutes. Then after that boring rest that me and Leo called, we made our way to McDonalds to eat while on the way there, Nico was smiling from ear to ear. I know he is trying to hide is goofiness. And I like that side of him. Him being goofy and childish, makes me go back to myself in the old times--well, I'm still like that. Anyway, I ordered a Crispy Chicken Sandwich paired with a Coke Float, then the boys ordered something Heaven knows what. After ordering, we paid the amount and looked for a seat. We sat at the back corner of McDonalds (because Nico wants to) as we ate not silently.

"Do you know that I just met someone named Lucius? I for one thinks that his name is cool, and he is also nice" I said grinning.

"Of course we don't know, Hailee, but now that you've mentioned it, we now know about it." He said whilst munching some fries. "And Lucius? More like Lucifer!" Leo laughed and I somehow chuckled but felt some kind of irritation.

"Um what was that again?" I asked raising a brow at him.

He smirked. "Didn't you heard me, Hailee?"

I tisked at him shaking my head with crossed arms. "Oh I heard you loud and clear, Leo. I just didn't like the way you talked about my mother's friend."

"Okay okay. But, that was funny. And I bet he must be a gay, looking for someone to victim!" I punched his arm.

"He is my mother's friend, and he isn't like that. He is actually nice guy if you just met him. And he has a son! So you better stop judging him, and shut the fuck up!" I snapped. He sat up straight beside me whilst he continued eating, giving me the silent treatment.

"Fine. I'll shut up." He muttered.

"And now, this is what I hate if you two fight, and somehow love it too. Silent treatment." Nico said as he munched some fries up. "Ah. Happy Meals are so nice."

"Whatever." I mumbled.

I crinkled my nose and glared at him, my emerald ones boring in the sides of his face.

"Yeah, right. You would always say that whenever we fight." Leo spatted back.

"Didn't I just told you to shut up?" I asked him while I stopped eating. He just sat there beside me looking cool and all, looking at me like nothing happened.

"You two are so childish. Just forgive and forget each other!" Nico murmured. I looked at him like oh-really-look-who's-talking.

"It's like you're not." I muttered under my breath. "And if forgetting him is also a choice," I paused glancing at him, "fine then!"

I didn't look at him and tried focusing on my food and on Nico. It's not like it was my fault in the first place, it was actually his! I don't really know if I should say sorry. Leo's pride is just high enough to not feel a bit of remorse towards others, but I know he can make an exception sometimes. And because I can't help but notice Leo silently devouring his food beside me I put an arm around him in the middle of him trying to sip his soda and pulled him close to me. As I stare into his brown orbs, I can feel myself  blushing, but I needed to do this for our friendship!

"Okay, Leo. I'm sorry about it, okay? Forgive me?" I batted my lashes and gave him a puppy eyed look. He sighed, which means he gave up, he smiled as he scooted closer hugged me tight. Nico at my other side, joined the hug moment.

"It's nice of you to join, Nico."

"Shut up and don't ruin the moment, Waters." He spatted.

"By the way, Hailee, are you going to school this year?" Nico asked looking  at me confused.

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