The Heart Household: Aiden Smith.

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++++++++     Aiden Smith        ++++++++

Aiden Smith grunted a word of thanks to the female customer, his only customer that day. Business was slow and the day just droned on, the sun glimmering on his wares, clock parts and old antique watches scattered on the table, while the other market sellers were screaming at one another on who could attract the most wealthiest citizens in all of Newland. It always ended up in a drunken  fight in the pub later that night. Quantum Gregory was always the first one there to witness the fight, Quantum was a trouble maker to say the least, and Aiden’s most trusted friend. He was the only one who knew the real identity of Aiden, and unusually he kept the secret to himself, being the worst gossiper in all of the country. Not even the fish seller’s wives could match Quantum’s big mouth. Well, Quantum was one of the most wealthiest citizens in the country, being the only son of Lord Gregory, with his wild brawls and fistfights with the poor folk always made Quantum in the Newland newspaper, which lead to the young ladies swooning over his luxurious golden locks which reminded those of the fields of Haze in the summer time and his green eyes which always captivated the hearts of the ladies around him. Quantum was not like his father at all, he hated books and would either be in the pub chatting up the women with his tall tales of adventure that his father when he was younger would take him to the other realms which always ended in one night stands, or he would be shopping with some of the wealthiest offspring known to man. To Aiden, he was a really good friend but sometimes he would often lead Aiden astray. Aiden had to look after his little sister, Margret, since the assassination of their parents and siblings. He had to try to be responsible, but with Quantum at his place most of the time, it was hard to not to be lead astray. But he loved her so much and always tried to get enough money for a loaf of bread, but then again in these times with the way jobs were going downhill, it was always tough for him. Nevertheless he always had Red to help him out, Red was his neighbour in the crumbling flats that he and Margret had always called home. Red was a beautiful woman with bouncy red hair tangled in curls and pure blue eyes, though they could never be together, her father was a lieutenant and if anyone hurt his ‘baby girl’, he would have them exiled out of the country. But that never stopped Aiden and Red; they would escape to the hills just above the city, and talk about getting away from the interfering eyes of the townspeople. It was a good plan, though they had no way of getting to the other realms, that is, till a pauper showed up at his stall today with an alluring offer.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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