Chapter 31

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Louise's POV

I was greeted by all of the guys, in a weird way.

"Oh man! Hello Louise! Guys act natural!" Nash screamed. I started chuckling.

"Hi everyone." I said, trying not to fangirl that much. I still couldn't believe that I was in the same room as my idols.

I got a bunch of hellos in return. They all seem very nice.

"Hi guys!" Cameron states, as he body slams Taylor, who was laying on the couch.

"Ow ow ow, bro! You're such a loser!" Taylor exclaims.

"Good! So, I can body slam you again?"

"NO! Bro you weigh like 267 pounds."

"Ok, fine." Cameron says as he gets off of Taylor. These guys are goofballs.

I went to the couch where Taylor and Cameron recently were. I turned on the TV. Matt made his way over to me. Oh Jeez.

"Hey Louise, we haven't officially met."

"Hey Matt!"

"So is Cameron being good to you? Because I will show him, if he's not."

"He's being fine." I laughed. "But you'll seriously do that for me?"

"Yes. I don't want any people getting hurt. Even if I just met them."

"Aw you're so sweet! Can I get your number?"

"Sure!" He said. I gave him my phone, and he gave me his. We exchanged numbers, and have eachother back our phones. I texted him.

To Mattchu:

From Mattchu:
Hello, best friend.?

To Mattchu:
Yes. We can be best friends.

From Mattchu:
Yes! I will see you in like 5 seconds.

To Mattchu:
Haha ok.


Later, we all decided to go to the hotel pool. All the guys got their swim trunks on, and I got my bikini on, in the bathroom. It was a pink strapless, ruffly, and same with the bottoms.

I finished in the bathroom and, all they guys were spread all around the room.

"Ready to go?" Cameron asks me.

"Yes." I whisper. "Thanks for inviting me to come here, again."

"No prob, babe."

With that, we all left the room, and went to the elevator. I was surprised that all eleven of us could fit. The elevator opened, and immediately, we all heard screams, from fans. None of us looked over at them, we just went to the pool doors.

The pool was completely empty. We could do anything we want. I just went to the nearest chair, and set my stuff down. I took my flip flops off, and my coverup, and went over to the deep end. All the guys were pushing eachother in, and already started a little splash war.

"Get in!" Cameron screamed.

"It's cold!" I respond

"No it's not! Don't make me get over there and push you in." He stated making himself and I laughing.

"Ok. Ok. Here I go." I say hesitating. I may have tried jumping in, but stopped at the edge, and ran back.

"Alright. I'm pushing you in." Cameron yells. Hayes and Matthew nodded as they both got out, coming toward me with Cameron. I just stood there, having no idea what to do. I decided to jump in, before they got here, because I would've ended up in the water anyway.

It wasn't that cold, it was like 85 degrees.

"Rats." Matthew says. I chuckled.
The guys all jumped back in, and started making a wave pool. I joined in too.

We could've made a record, because it was the biggest waves I've ever seen. I even got pulled down by some.

This was fun.

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