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What I need to make your cover:

- Book Title

- Who/what you want on your cover

- If you want your username or real name on it (if real name, I will need that too)

- If you want a quote from your book (and the actual quote)

- Any specific font types (block, cursive, handwriting etc)

- Certain colours (black and white etc)

(You can add any other information about what you want on it if I have missed anything)

I will make a chapter with your cover attached, and will dedicate that chapter to you, and if you don't mind I will post it on my Instagram (if you don't want it on there just say)

WARNING: I'm not using photoshop or any proper editing apps, so they might not be amazing, but I will try my hardest to get it how you want.

I'll Make Your Book CoverWhere stories live. Discover now