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This is a cover for a book called L.U.N.A.R by icewritergal . I haven't read it yet, but it is in my library, and it seems interesting.

Here's the write up:
Have you ever wanted to be part of a secret agency? Like the FBI? Well, Moss has never wanted that.

But one day, she is recruited for L.U.N.A.R, an agency like no other... One of the ways to pass initiation is to become part wolf.

L.U.N.A.R stands for Lunar Underground Noting Ancient Runes.

She stops criminals that use ancient objects for malicious purposes. That includes even famous objects, like Excalibur.

But things get complicated when Daniel Thresher, who's been kicked out of L.U.N.A.R tries to go through a rift. She finds herself attracted to him... But she's supposed to be fighting him. Can she do her job?

Here's a brief description by the author:
A girl is recruited for a secret agency filled with part wolves, and to pass initiation she becomes one too. They catch criminals using magic objects. But when they catch Daniel, things get messy...

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