Chapter 2

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A/N:  Hey!  Two chapters in two days, I'm on a roll!  Mainly because someone threatened to kill their cat if I didn't update, and I really do love cats, even if one did attack my face today.  So here it is!  Hope you enjoy!  

Anyhows, don't forget to vote if you liked and follow me if you want to know when I update :)  and if you have any comments, please don't be afraid to share, I don't bite (at least not very hard ^_^)


The Doctor's POV

I looked at the psychic paper and frowned.  It had a message written on it.  It said 'ARGH! Just leave me alone already!'  I looked down at the girl who was now picking up pieces of broken glass from the floor.  Surely it couldn't be...  but then again, who else could it be?  Unusual... no human has ever had enough physic power to do that before...

I decided I'd go back to Donna and then check this girl out back at the TARDIS.  "Well, I guess I'll be off then."  I said and walked back into the café area, still staring at the psychic paper.  I had another quick peek at the girl's books.  Jessica Storm...  That's a normal enough name... I sonicked her books to scan for residual DNA.  "Alright then Donna, back to the TARDIS."  I said as I walked past the table we were sat at and picked up the molecular disseminator.

"But what about the Ood?"  Donna asked, getting up to follow me.

"Oh, they're fine.  I was just getting some strange readings but it's nothing."  I reassured her, heading towards the door.  "Oh, and Donna, do you mind?"  I asked, indicating towards Jessica who was now standing behind the counter.

"Oh, I can't believe you Doctor, you mean I have to pay?  You're useless, you don't even carry money with you,  you're just a skinny, useless.. thing!"  She ranted.

I shook my head.  "I'll be in the TARDIS."  I called after her as I left the café and headed across the street to where I parked the TARDIS earlier.  I opened the door and waltzed up to the control panel.  I plugged the sonic screwdriver into the port and pulled the screen round to face me, expecting the TARDIS to give me a result straight away, but she was taking her time.  "Oh come on..."  I moaned impatiently, hitting the screen.  "What's taking so long?"  Eventually the results pinged up on screen.  "Finally!... What?"  I stared at the screen, perplexed.


Name:  Jessica Angel Storm

Date Of Birth:  Unknown

Date of Death:  Unknown

Species:  Unknown

Planet of Origin:  Unknown

More Data Needed


"Donna, come have a look at -"  I stopped as I realised she wasn't in the room.  "...Donna?"  Where is she?  I ran back to the doors and swung them open, only to be greeted by a rather started Donna.  "Where on Earth have you been?"  I asked as she pushed past me.

"Talking to Jessica.  You can get an awful lot out of a person if you don't pester them."  She informed me as she sat down.  "But never mind that, you obviously have something much more important to say."  She said as she studied her nails.

"No, go on... tell me what you found out."  I pleaded, intrigued.

Meanwhile...  Jessica's POV

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