Chapter two - Carter

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Chapter two

So there I sat in the principals office, all because of some stupid asshole. Was he getting in trouble? Of course not, he was the quarterback on the football team. He couldn't get in trouble. Now some of you might be thinking, she's a bitch, trust me, I am. But my school was so sport obsessed that one of the football players could have a heart attack and would still be expected to play. All in all I found it pretty dumb.

"Was it worth it?" Mr. Johnson said, clearly not surprised that I was the one in his office not even and hour into the day, but he seemed pretty impressed I took down our quarterback.

"Well if you would teach your football players that they weren't any better than the rest of us then we wouldn't have this problem, would we?" I said, it sounded a lot more confident than I felt.

"They make this school very important and very well known. If we were to make them tone down a few notches they would play like wimps." He said matte of factly.

"Whatever see you in detention and I will head home." I already knew the drill. Obviously not the first time I've been in trouble.

Not even 20 minutes after I left I got a text from Dominick.

Him: You didn't have to do that for me. I was fully capable of handling it myself.

Me: yea and? I never liked him anyways. He had it coming.

Him: How much trouble are you in?

Me: well I got the day off but I have detention on Friday. Nothing new lol

Him: oh okay. I will sneak out next period.

And with that I stopped replying and climbed into my red Chevy pick up truck and left. I decided I hadn't had enough coffee this morning so I went to Starbucks and bought a plain black coffee. That should wake me up for today.

About 20 minutes later I heard the door open to see Dominick walk in. He ordered his nasty black coffee and say beside me. The day was pretty boring. We just talked about stupid little things.

~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE!!~~~~~

Yes, I know still boring, but it's just the beginning. Trust me, there will be plenty of exciting chapters soon. Keep reading, vote, comment, stay active and if you aren't already, follow me. Sorry the AN is kind of short as well,but it is currently 5:45 and I can't sleep soo yea. Hope you guys like it so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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