Chapter 3

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"I believe that is my dagger."A man's voice said.You spun around to see a man in white clothes.He was smirking and you didn't like it one bit.

But the pain in your side was so bad you passed out.The last thing you've seen was the man's hand about to touch your face.

Flash back

You were at your mothers side as she coughed.Your mother had a bad fever.She was close to death.

And when the day came she was about to die."mama please don't leave me."You said hugging her."(y/n) be a good girl for your father and always know I will be with you.Goodbye my sweet child."You yelled her name through the night crying.You ran outside.Crying in your hands.You were only 7 at that time.

At her funeral you cried the whole time.But you saw a boy and a girl with blonde hair.They came up to you and asked if you were OK.Then you guys became best friends.

You opened your eyes to find yourself on a red couch.You looked around to see everything was fancy.The room even had a chandelier.Then you looked at your clothes.You had a white dress on and you could feel bandages on.

Then you heard a voice."Finally your awake.It felt like days."The man said.

He gave you a smirk which made you uncomfortable.He had white hair with a red cape and a white suit.

"How rude of me I haven't introduced myself,I am Ghirahim but I prefer Demon Lord Ghirahim but I'm not fussy."

Somehow you recognized that name.
He then pulled you from your thoughts.

"So may I ask your name?"He asked kindly.

"Um my name is (y/n)." "Hmm"
"Are you alright?"you asked."Yes but for some reason I recognize that name." "Oh..."

"Well are you hungry." "Yes."

Back at skyloft

"Did you find her!?"Zelda yelled."No I can't find her anywhere!"Link yelled back.Link and Zelda were really worried about you."Did you check with in her father?"Link questioned."Yes and he is trying to find her,she has to be out there somewhere." "Maybe she is on the surface."

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