The Week Before part 2

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Chapter 2~ The Week Before part 2

At Sabertooth


I sigh, as I'm reading a book I picked up at the shop yesterday, while sitting on Sting's lap. Today he has been super clingy, he won't let me out of his sight, not even to go to the bathroom. He's also been sniffing me a lot, like how weird is that, he'll put his face in my neck and just sniff up a storm. What's even weirder is that Rogue and Frosh went to go visit Kagura at Mermaid Heel, highly unlikely.

"Sting, will you please let me up? It's embarrassing." I ask him, As I blush red hot like fire.

"No way, I want to stay by your side always." He said, putting his arms around my waist, hugging my back to his chest. I struggle a bit, but eventually give up, pouting I cover my face with my hair, hiding away from the drawing crowd.

"Hmm, I've seem to have no memory of Sting being this affectionate to anyone before."

"Yeah I know right, kinda awkward." I heard Rufus and Orga talking which makes me blush even hotter than before.

"Sting can you please stop doing that."

"Stop doing what?"

"Can you stop sniffing me?"

"But Yuki, you smell so good." He says, taking a big whiff and then tighten his grip on me.

I don't know what's going on with Sting today , but I hope it's just a dragon slayer thing, but I'm going to talk to Lucy about it to see if the dragon slayers over there are acting up too. I just have to wonder though, is Rogue doing the same thing with Kagura right now.....

"Yukino go on a mission with us!!!" Lector yelled, flying over to us and also interrupting my train of thought.

"Yeah Yuki please?!?!?"

"O-ok, can Rogue, Frosh, and Kagura come with us?"

"Sure, but I don't know if Kagura would want to, you know with her being from a different guild and all, but we can still ask her."

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