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"Phiiiiiiiiiiilllll!, come here!"

Phil shifted his glasses, setting his laptop down onto the counter. A page open to a Delia Smith Halloween Cookies recipe. Phil brushed his black fringe out of his eyes with his fingers. He learned against the bathroom doorway.

Dan looked up. His hair had a couple of waves he failed to straighten. Phil smiled and made a mental note not to tell him.


"How does this look?"

Phil brought his eyes down to look at the boy Dan was turning to face Phil. Phil smiled.

The dark brown haired boy wasn't looking too thrilled. Quite possibly even a little bit nervous.

"The face paint is great Dan!"

Dil smiled at his father's comment while Dan released a sigh and hugged the boy.

"Look at how adorable you are in that costume!"

Dil made a face as Dan marvelled over him. The skeleton face paint really did go with the zombie school-boy costume! Phil perked up.

"Wait here!"

Dil bit his lip and shot Dan a worried look. Phil returned after sounds of loud crashing, breathless, and holding a pirate costume.

"The hat!"

Dil didn't get a chance before the hat was plopped on his head. Together the two men convinced him to try on the boots.

Dil faced the mirror. He was still a little unsure.


Dan's eyes were soft in the mirror as he watched his son.

"Dad I'm twelve! Don't 'awww'!"

Phil shook his head with a laugh and the three traipsed into the kitchen.


Before Dan or Phil could stop him the boy had dug into the cookies meant for the party.

"I will get him lunch Phil, can you find another recipe?"

The first ring of the doorbell sent the entire family into a run. Dil glaring at his parents until they hung back acting like 'normal parents'.

"Hi Dil."

"Hey Tabatha."



"Hi Erica." Dil mumbled. "It's Howell-Lester."


"Hey Dil! I brought Robbie along. Is that okay?"

"Sure Summer. Come in."

From where they sat monitoring the young teens a whisper was released.

"He looks like Dil's evil twin!" "Shh!"


"Hey Travis, Jared."


"Bob and Eliza!"

"We're together now Dil. We're the pancakes."

Dil nodded and let his friends in. Bob and Eliza were the off again/on again couple. One class they were together, next they weren't.

Dan helped with the pumpkin carving while Phil finished readying the food. So far the party was running smoothly.

"So Erica, there's a party at Mia's Cafe next week and I'm pretty sure that I overheard that you were invited."

Erica let out a squeal and turned to Travis. "Did you hear?!"

Phil shot Dil a disapproving look causing the boy to jump to his feet and join the 'happy couple' for a chat. So many times he had heard his parents talk about Eliza and him.

"They aren't happily together."
"Don't be a home wrecker, Phil!"

At least they were satisfied with his current crush who might even like him. He smiled as he peeked over at Tabitha.

"I'd say this party is great Dan."

The two men smiled at they watched the nine kids jumping out at each other and telling spooky stories. The house had filters on the lights so the room casted a green glow over everyone. A few were orange. A Halloween cover had been draped over the couch and a round skeleton rug contained the circle of children telling creepy tails.

All together it was a great Howlter Halloween.

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