1.How my whole life changed....

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"Alex!, we are going to be late for school if we don't leave now " ,shouted dad .

I'm so happy it's Friday cause our school comes out earlier on a Friday , then my weekend officially starts ,even though I don't have friends yet since we only moved her on Monday , my weekends are really fun since I spend them with my brother , we're planning on going skating tomorrow if all goes well.

"I'm on my way down dad is Max in the car already". Normally I would drive Max and myself to school on my motorbike but since I don't know exactly where my school is my dad is dropping us off.

I made it to school just in time for the first bell that means I still have time to go to my locker and get my English book since we have that first period .I arrive at English class early and sit at the only single desk since I know no one in this class .

The day went by quickly and soon before I knew it I was walking to my house and thinking about how I'll spend my weekend but as I got to my house I saw a black BMW in the drive way right behind my dad's silver Mercedes benz , the license plate said in bold BOSSLADY D... so whoever it is

They must be important since there's a British flag on the two sides. As I walk into the living room everyone is quiet it was and dad and a lady that looked a lot familiar and there were to other men wearing black ,

"Alexis oh my have you grown I've missed you my little girl is not a little girl anymore ",the familiar looking lady said while pulling me into a hug.

"Um do I know you ?", I asked curiously, I'm sure I know this lady from somewhere .

"Oh darling I'm your mother Danielle Anderson , now sit down we need to talk ", that's when it all came back to me no wonder she looked so familiar she was like the older version of me , we both have golden blonde straight hair and we are both fair skinned but my brother and my dad have tanned skin , the only difference is that I have grey eyes like my dad and my mom has hazel brown eyes just like Max.

"Okay speak I don't have alot of time I have to go pick up Max from soccer practice".I said impatiently.

I feel so rude I'm not normally this rude it's just that I can't keep Max waiting for me again , he gets really angry if your late .

"Oh that's great we'll talk on our way to Maxs school ......I also need to talk to him too". My mom said will going to the car we were followed by the two men in black , they remind me of this one movie what was the name of it.

"I think you mean Man in black the movie ",one of them whispered to me ,I can't  believe I was thinking aloud again this is not the first time , I got into the car and the leather seats were so comfortable.

"I'm loving the dress your wearing , it always was my favourite dress when I was ad out your age " she said with a bright smile on her face , I was wearing a light green dress with tiny white poker dot dress , it used to be my mother's this dress and a golden locket is the only things I had to remind me of my mother .

"Thanks "I replied softly ."So, the reason I wanted to talk to you is that I wanted to ask you something important ,when we get to Maxs school ,"

We arrived at Maxs school on time soccer practice just ended , I got out of the car and walk over to Max, when we got into the car and my mom started talking

"The reason I was absent for 14 years of your lives is because I'm the owner of the European Spy Agency and I'm here to talk to you Alexis ,"she paused looking at me

"I'm going to retire in two years time and I want you to take over the Agency and I will enroll you to the Spy Academy that your sister will take over when I retire , You will begin classes on Monday and our plane for London on Sunday at 19h00 okay ,"

When she was done I was so shocked my whole world just stopped , as we arrived at my house I got out and ran to my room I was so happy , a new life , new school ,new family , new friends , and a new adventure and I finally get to spend time with my mother.

The next day went by quickly , I took Maxs and his friends to the skate park and I bonded with them since I knew how to skate then I took my motorbike and went to the Mall for some new clothes with the money dad gave me a month ago.

I was supposed to use it for a prom dress but I thought since I'm leaving for London tomorrow I wouldn't need a prom dress but just a few extra clothes.

Later that afternoon I got home and I took my dog for a walk , his name is storm and his a golden retrieve it was nice and quite at the dog park so I pulled out my book from my bag and started reading to clear my mind .

It was Sunday morning and I didn't go to church since I needed to pack for London , I didn't pack yesterday since I fell asleep.

So when I got back from the dog park , I really needed to rush , so that I don't leave anything behind. I finished packing at about 13h00 so I just sat on my bed and watched The Originals on my apple laptop .

I've goten addicted to the Originals it's so fascinating to watch , it was about 17h00 when I was done watching my series,

I then took a quick shower so I was fresh for the flight , I then put on a pair of black denim jeans, a baby blue tank top , black leather jacket and and my black sneakers then I sat and waited for my mother to arrive , goodbye old boring nobody loner  life , hello new exciting spy happy life. I'm so excited to finally get to know my mother , although I'm also really sad cause I'll really miss Max, Dad and My dog Storm , I hope dad and Max look after him well , I'll also miss my motorbike.

Authors note:

I'm very sorry for the slow update but I was busy with exams but I plan on having quicker updates since its almost the summer holidays so .Sorry for the grammatical errors (This is , my first book so it's really bad)

The pic on the side is a pic of Alex's outfit.




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