riding and Nightmares

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I hoped on Star really fast as did Crystal and Jessica. As for Mia she just stood there beside Star's head leaving a smirk on her face,"Mia you getting on?"Crystal asked,"No because I got other stupid things to do than teach people to ride things. It like they never say,'You don't teach you just do nothing!'"she laughed and looked at Star and smiled even bigger,"Don't eart them for dinner,because I just fed you. But when your hungry you can."she laughed and walked away,"What does she mean about that?"I asked,"N-Nothing she was just joking with us,right,Crystal?"Jessica asked,"I don't know if she was just joking because she is just a crazy person who acts crazy!"she called,"Mia isn't crazy,she's just act,dumb."they fought back and forth until I yelled,"EVERYONE STOP YELLING FOR ONE MINUTE!! I just want to ride this dragon in peace."I said narrowing my eyes on them and they looked at me and then looked away. Then Aphmua came running in with a book,"Y/N! YOUR! YOUR!"She yelled,"APHMUA ARE YOU TELLING Y/N SHE'S RELATED TO LADY IRENE LIKE ME!!!!"Mia yelled,"Yes!"she called back,"You have powers like Mia,but they are way different. You got super strength,super speed, and night version,but Mia got the power to talk to,animals,she has super strenghth like you,she can heal animals."Aphmua said really fast,"Doesn't that mean your related to her to?"I mumbled,"I can help her."Garroth said walking in,"Thanks Garroth."Aphmua said walking out the door. The other girls stayed inside while we stayed out side.

*FIRST TIME SKIP!!!!!!!!!!.....I think anyway.*

After taining for 11 hours I ended up falling asleep,while leaning on a pall of hay. Then I woke up in a red flames. I looked around to see Garroth,Crystal,Jessica,and Mia burning right in front of me..........then I turned and saw.........Aphmua? Then I heard an evil like laugh and I looked up and saw a man with something covering his mouth. I saw a cross on his chest,he held a fire starter,there was one man that I knew who wore that,it was Zane,"No............my only family............just died."I said starting to cry.......I haven't cryed since my whole died right before my eyes. Then suddenly I woke up right where I fell alseep. I felt my face it was wet from my tears. I whipped away my tears and ran to the docks and I saw Garroth there,"Oh hey,Y/n."he called and I waved slightly and walked to him,"Hey Garroth."I said and I sat beside him,"Y/n were you crying?"he asked,"Yeah,I just had the worst dream ever. Zane burned down this village. I saw you,Crystal,Aphmua,Jessica,Mia burning and Zane cause that."I said crying slowly and then I felt warm arm wrap around me,"It's okay,it was just a nightmare that will never come true."Garroth said and I didn't know how to react to him hugging me,"Thanks Garroth."I said and I leaned my head on his shoulder and I slowly fell asleep.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I got this from one of my followers,MJPikiePie. Me and her are working together on making this story more awesome. And I saw that 800 people read this,thats awesome! Wish for 1000 and you can do it.     LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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