Tales of Mia never heard before.

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Then the hooded person jumped on Mia! She started to cry blood like tears. There was a scar under her eye now. Mia held the sword so her hands were cut to bits now,"I won't fight back."she said and she let go of the sword and it went through her throat. It happened so suddenly,that it was like fast forward. Suddenly the guy from before jumped the person in the hood,"Why did you kill her?!"he asked and I looked at the corpse of Mia and I sat beside her dead body and then suddenly a dark purple light went off. I looked at Mia's dead corpse and I saw her with a white orb on her chest,"What the heck?!?"the man asked looking back at her,"Grab the healer of the dead and please help me."I held it to my face and I saw Mia with her Dire wolf ears and she was pounding on the side of the orb. Then suddenly a wolf ran past me and jumped up and grabbed the orb and it looked back at me,"Do you want me to follow you?"I asked and it started to run farther in the woods. Then it stopped in front of a tree and wasn't an ordinary tree. It was 2 skyscraper's tall and its roots were sticking out of the ground and they were bigger than a pool. The wolf set it down and it merged into a human and it was a young boy,"Hi I'm Sam. I was her brother. This tree was special to her so I brought you here to see it. The elder one who healed the dead has died many years ago. Mia is a rare breed of our kind."he said,"I thought she killed your whole kind."I said,"Yes.......she did. My mother how ever......was lucky to live since Mia was quote on quote,'still had her humanity left.'but my mother didn't stutter to run away. She found a man named Daniel who was a wolf \man. But story for another day. What's your name?"he asked,"Y

. But tell me about Mia on how she is very rare."I said,"Mia's father was a dire wolf as well as our mother. Only every million years there's a second moon and the child of the breed of two dire wolves that are from two different regions have a baby dire wolf. But.........the baby is ........strange compared to others. The baby is able to......well....be part ender and they can open the Irene portal some how and they can reopen it inside it to. But they also lose part of their humanity and ender side along with opening it. Mia risked her own kinds blood and eternal life to open it but it took a lot of her humanity and less ender. Mia was said to have lost everything when she came back through but as they hoped for her to die she came back and she was actually better than before. She even gave up on even shouting at others to show she changed. She excepted that she was going to jail for 5 years and she took it without even saying a word. She was able to teleported into the hand cuffs and she teleported inside a cell in 2 seconds flat. She only teleported out to wake up an officer or grab something to eat and she would only eat apples in there. The elders put a spell on Mia that only lasted until she started to change her eye color. The spell was: she was able to be angry and have every emotion but she could not kill innocent people. If she kills a bad guy she doesn't change at all. Her Ender side has never been shown before so maybe now her ender side will come through and heal her. Enders do not completely die. The die but then they come back alive and so now we wait for her ender side to come. Hopefully she makes it. Venus would be happy to hear she's dead."he said,"Who's Venus? And why would she be happy to hear she's dead?"I asked,"Well Y

Venus is.........her sister in the End. Turns out she had a sister the was part endermen and part human. They had the same DNA that was actually a very weird blood type. It was black with purple glowing spots. Other ender men's blood was purple with black spots that didn't glow. Venus might actually miss her since Mia convinced her home village to let her stay there for ever and Mia would protect her. Mia actually told Venus that she wanted to go to the Irene detention for her. She wanted to give the relic to her to tell her how much Mia loved her as a sister."he started to tear up,"Mia was a nice girl."I hugged him from the side,"Its okay."I said,"No its not! Mia killed to get a stupid thing for a girl who was an enemy to our kind!!!"he yelled and then a girl suddenly appeared beside me,"So............she's gone now?"she asked,"After 200 years she left me all alone in this world. Here Mia I'll give you my life since you were to kind to me and they changed you to be the perfect little girl."she held the orb to her and I was Mia leaning on the orb crying and she looked at the girl and she mouthed the words,"Don't do it I deserve to die!!!"The girl was about to turn complete pale til I stole the orb,"No she wants die! She wants die!"The word slipped out my mouth before I could stop myself,"You want her to die!?!?"she asked,"No Mia doesn't want you to die"I said,then the girl grabbed the other we trying to pull it out o my hands and we pulled to hard the orb broke! Then a purple dark mist went out of it and it went into a swirl and then it formed a human and the girl fell to ground with ender wings and her shirt was purple with black shorts and black shoes with purple sparkles her hair was a dark green with light green sparkles. She was on her hands in knees breathing heavily spitting out blood and she fell to the ground laying on her back. She opened her eyes and they were white like snow,"*deep breath*It hurt you know!"she called slightly laughing,"Mia? Is that you?!?"me and the girl asked,"Yeah it's me. I guess the orb need to be broken to set me free."she said and she stood up and she almost fell too the ground so me and the girl which I think her name was Venus helped her walk to the village again. Mia walked to her door of her house and we slide down the door and she looked up at the sky,"The sky is really bright today."


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