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Kim's point of view
I went to get the to little kids I was going to babysits. We got home and they started playing with there toys, but i have to be honset I'm not here right now I'm still thinking about the kid his so tall and his eyes where big and blue. I just hope I can get to know him more.
"What are you thinking about." melody the little 4 year old girl I was babysitting asked me
"Nothing" I said normals they might be kids but they know more then you think they do.
"I know," I said standing up from the cauch "You guys want to play outside,"
"Yay," they said standing up and running to the door
"Okay wait for me," I said walking to the door.
We got outside and started playing tag
"I'm going to get you" I said in a kiddy voice pretending to run after the kids I could hear them giggling
"Are they your siblings," a voices asked from behind me. I looked behind me but there was no one there
"Up here" a voice called
I looked up and there he was the new kid, Ian just watching us from his Terence.
"Is he your boyfriend," jake melodys twin asked.
"No jake he not my boyfriend he's the new neighbor," I said trying not to make my voice sound funny
"Oh okay," he said and then he turned around and went to play with his sister.
"No there the kids I'm babysitting," I said turning around
"Oh right you told me that," he said remembering
"Yup" I said trying to not make it sound wired
"I'm hungry melody," said walking up to me.
"Well see you around I Guess," Ian said before turning around
"See you," I said in response
He waved and went in to his room
"Okay let's go eat," I said to melody and jake.
"Yay," they bothh said
Just as we where about to walk in melody asked me if I liked Ian.  I couldn't tell her the truth I mean what are the chances that a boy like that actually likes a girl like me, and she's a little kid so if I tell her it mite get out
    "No I don't like him I mean not like that maybe as a friend though," I said to her trying to sound cool
     "Oh okay what are we having to eat," she asked so cutely.
    "Yay I love spaghetti,"
    "Okay go wash your hands and I'll go serve you spaghetti okay,"
    "Okay," they both said and ran of to wash their hands.
    We ate and watched the movie frozen they both fell asleep on me. So I changed the Chanel and started looking for something to watch but nothing good was on TV so I got on my phone and saw that my friend Katy had texted me I swept the message
The message said "Rumor has it that you got a new neighbor,"
"Yeah," I responded
Katy "Sweet we can be friends with him/her ,"
Me: "It's a him lol"
Katy: "Oh ok,"
Katy: "Well I have to finish my homework see you at school tomorrow bye."
Me: "Bye,"
I heard a knock on the door and got up to answer it making sure that I didn't awake Melody or Jake up.
"Hey, I'm here to pick them up,"
"Hey yeah come in they are asleep on the couch , I can help you put them in the car if you want me to,"
"Okay yes pleas"
"Okay," I said and walked over to pick up Jake.
"Here's your money for takeing care of them thank you so much," she said walking to the divers door
"It was nothing there little angles," I said
"Aw thanks again bye,"
"Bye," I said and stud in the drive way to wave good bye.
I went into the house and up to my room. I changed into my pejamas put on my uggs and went out to site on the Terence I love looking at the sky when the sun is siting.
I felt like someone was looking at me. I looked next to me and Ian was standing on his Terence looking over at me, well until I looked over at him when we made eye contact he smiled and turns away.
"You like looking at the sky too?"he asked
"Yeah, and I really like how it is at this  time, the sky looks golden. I know it sounds dorky," I said trying not to look at him because I could feel myself Blushing.
"Hey I wasn't going to say anything your the only one judging"
I looked over at him and he looked over at me we stayed like that for a minute then I looked away I don't want him to know I like him,I mean how could I like him I just meet him today
"Well a have to go to sleep I have school tomorrow" I said getting up from the chair.
"Yeah same good night," he said stretching
"Good night" I said walking to the door.

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