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Kim's point of view
    "Where is he?" Katy Asked will walking up behind me.
    "How am I supposed to know,"  I said with a little laugh.
    Katy: "He rides your bus doesn't he?"
    Me: "He wasn't on the bus, and why do you what to meet him so badly?  You already have a boyfriend.
    Katy: "I know I do but I just want to know what he looks like.
    Me: "sure you do,"
    Katy:"Come on we are going to be late to chemistry,"
    I walked with my friend Katy To chemistry about half of my way there I hear a voice call my name
    "Hey Kim,"
    I turn around and see Ian  standing behind me looking like he was lost.  Katy Passed her elbow by mine
    "Hey Ian um this is Katy"
    "Hey Katy" he said quickly and then looked back to me
    "Um do you need help finding a class ?" I asked him
    "Actually yes, I have Chemistry with Mr. Ray and these halls are really confusing," he said kind of shyly
    "No problem we are going there you can just walk with us, I mean if that's cool with you," I said trying sound cool and collected.
    "Yes that's cool thanks,"  Ian  said sounding relieved.
    "No problem,"  I answered
When we got to chemistry Mr.ray gave him a seat and Kate and I  went  to sit down. Mr. Ray had gavin the seat by the window on the first row. There where tow rows of sits and Kate's and mine was  the second row nexed  to his. I sit in the outside, and every time I tuned to look at Kate I would see him looking at me. The funny thing was that after he saw that I was turnning around he would look away and stop looking at me. But you really have to wonder why mite he have been looking at me. Kate tapped me on the shoulder
    Katy:"How can you not like him?"
    Me: "who," I said trying to sound confused.
Katy:" Ian! who else."
Me: "oh. Hey are you coming  over to my house today it's Friday.
Katy: "Yeah,"
Me: "Ok cool,"
I really didn't want to answer that question because I didn't want to lie to her but I didn't want to tell her I liked him ether so I just asked her something els to chang the subject luckily she didn't catch on. I mean my other option was to laugh but that would not have made sense. Can you imagine someone just stared laughing out of nowhere that's just weird.
I was happy it was lunch time I was starving I kept looking over at him to see where he would sit he sat with some, friends he had made from the popular squad.
School was over finally Katy rode the bus with me all she talked about was him the whole way home , I can't lie I was listening but the way she talked about him just made me laugh. I was scared he was going to hear her cause she would get loud then quite then Lourdes again, I mean he was sitting 3 sits infront of us but hopefully he didn't hear anything
"Don't you have a boyfriend?" finally asked her to remind her
"I know I do but I mean look at him," how can you not find an interest in him he's so hot
"Oh my gosh," I said laughing
I mean he is cute and I do like him? To be honest yeah I think he's cute and all but I just meet him and all I really know is that his name is Ian  and he's the new kid.  Katy kept talking about him the entire ride so I put my earbuds in and started listening  to my music.

Ian  point of view
I got lost at the school today then I saw her "hey Kim," I said , what no wait why did I say that I tried to keep cool. I didn't want to ask her for help because well I really didn't want to embarrass  my self in front of her but she figures me out I felt kind of dumb  but it didn't seem like she really cared that I mite have looked dumb.
    On the bus I could hear Kim's friend whispering "stuff" about me to Kim she was saying stuff like, how can you not like him, he's so hot, I love his eyes. It was pretty funny actually. Though I wonder if it's true that Kim doesn't like me. Not to sounded cocky or anything but I am pretty cool and have been really nice to her, though I mite have creeped her out a cupel of times.  I just hope she doesn't think bad of me.

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