How It Happened

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No One's POV

As Victoria, Nathan, Warren, Kate, Chloe, and Max walked through the hallway, Mark Jefferson came into the hall and stopped them. He took out a file, Chloe knowing what it is.

"Alright Mark, put the file down." Chloe demands, taking a step foward, Max pulling her back.

"This is just to show what lies can do to someone." he says, turning the picture around. And there was Chloe and Rachel kissing.

Now, Max knew that Rachel and Chloe were close friends, and Chloe told Max that Rachel and her were just friends. But this made Max's heart wrench. Everyone could see the heart break on her face. Max turned almost pale and stumbled back into the lockers.

"Max, I swear, it's not what it looks like!" Chloe says, holding her best friends arm. And Chloe knows that she lied to Max about Rachel, but she doesn't want to tell her that they were dating.

"Then what is it Chloe?" Jefferson says from behind the kids, smirking. Chloe turns to him and starts to walk towards him.

"Alright Jeffer-shit, why and how do you have the picture?" she growls. Nathan and Victoria are tending to a broken Max, trying to get a word out of her.

"Come on Max! Say something!" Nathan pleads, lightly shaking the young photographer.

"S-She..." she starts, but then starts crying. Victoria and Nathan take Max into a hug, trying to calm her down.

"I don't see what the big deal is." Warren says.

"Yeah, same. She can kiss and date whoever." Kate says, agreeing with Warren.

"Not a big deal?! She lied right to poor Max's face!" Victoria almost yells at them.

"Look at her! She can't even speak she's so heart broken!" Nathan yells back.

Chloe stands about 1 inch away from Jefferson's face. "Why?" she growls.

"Because she had to know what you were saying. You lied right to her face for months. I had to stop it." he says with a smirk. She turns back to the group and says,

"It wasn't my fault-"

"It was your fault! You lied to her about Rachel!" Victoria yelled.

"C-Chloe. W-Why?" Max whimpers, crying again. Victoria and Nathan walk away with Max, leaving Warren, Kate, and Chloe behind.

"Chloe, forget about that shit. You got us." Warren says, Kate and him dragging Chloe the other way. Inside, Chloe felt guilty and horrible for lying. But she knew that it was because of Mark Jefferson.

Victoria's POV

I know I haven't ever been nice to Max, but I feel awful. Nathan and I both secretly care about her. Max doesn't deserve this. And I'm going to protect her from Chloe.

Nathan's POV

How dare those punk-ass bitches say that! Max is worth WAY too much to me and Vic for Price, Graham, and Marsh to treat her like crap! I'm gonna make sure Max is safe from Chloe. Forever.

Warren's POV

Chloe's right in this position! Her and Rachel had every right to date! And Chloe did the right thing to lie, so that way Max wouldn't be all tangled up. God, Max takes everything too seriously.

Kate's POV

I know I'm friends with Max and all, but she's such a cry baby. I mean, Chloe kissed Rachel. No biggie. She needs to grow up for once.

Because of Mark Jefferson (Pricefield)Where stories live. Discover now