First Day Of Senior Year

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6 months later- Blackwell Academy- Max's POV

I can't believe that Chloe is in Blackwell! I have to deal with her. At least I don't have to share my dorm room with Kate or Chloe. Victoria and I are sharing. Nathan, thankfully, arranged that.

I pull into the Blackwell parking lot, taking out my keys. I get out, the air rushing into my nose. I smile and turn to the back of the car, walking to get my boxes and cart out of the back. I open it up, my cart falling onto my foot. I stumble over and almost fall on my back until I get caught.

"I'm gonna start calling you Clumsy Caulfield." she laughs. I look up and see Victoria standing above me. I smile and stand up. I hug her and smile.

"Good to see you again! We're sharing a dorm room!" I say, excited and pulling away.

"You too Max! How ya doing with the whole "lamp" thing?" she asks, crossing her arms.

Lamp is our secret nickname for Chloe. Only Nathan, Victoria, and I know about it. It's quite funny when you think about it.

"I'm holding up ok. I got you and Nathan, so I'm ok." I say with a sigh, putting boxes on the cart. She helps me and then rolls her cart over.

"You taking photography again this year?" she asks.

"Yeah. I mean, I technically should thank Jefferson." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"True." she says, nodding her head.

"Ladies." a voice says from behind us. We turn around and see Nathan with his cart.

"Nathan!" we both cry, running to him. We all have a group hug and laugh. "We missed you!" we both say.

"I missed you guys too." he says with a smile. "I have to share a room with Warren, echk." he says.

"And Chloe with Kate AND Rachel, when she comes back." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Just, forget about them." he says, rubbing my arm. Victoria and I walk one way, Nathan walking the other. We wheel our stuff into our door and see our room. We write: Victoria and Max 4 Lyfe. We add a few hearts, then open the door. I start putting boxes down, since we have Jefferson in 15 minutes.

"You know, everyone that was in the hall 6 months ago is doing photography, right?" Victoria asks.

"Yeah, I know." I sigh, getting my camera out.

"Look, just sit by me. I already had a peak at Jefferson's seating chart. It's tables of 4, 2 stools on each side." she explains, putting her hand on my shoulder. I smile as she puts it down. We get our notebooks and cameras and walk to Jefferson's class. We see that Nathan is across from Warren, giving him the death stare. And we also see Chloe and Kate sitting next to each other.

"Ah, Ms. Caulfield and Ms. Chase decided to join us." Jefferson says, getting our attention. "Please, take a seat at Chloe and Kate's table." he says, pointing to it. Victoria sees me nervously tense up, so she wraps an arm around me and walks to the table. We sit down, and I can sense Chloe is looking at me, but I don't look at her. I won't look at her. She broke my heart.

"Relax..." Victoria whispers to me, rubbing my hand.

"So, the people at your tables will be the groups for you're project. No moaning, no groaning, no 'But Mr. Jefferson!', no nothing!"

"Shit..." I mummer shakily.

"You're project will be capturing Unity at it's finest." he explains. "Get to work!" he says. We turn to each other, but I look at Kate instead. Her I can face. I can tell Chloe is, again, staring me down, but I will not look at her.

"So, Unity at it's finest." Victoria says, getting her notebook out. "What are some things that could be unified?"

"Nature." I say. She nods, then writes it down.

"Nathan's fist with Warren's face." Victoria laughs quietly, but loud enough so I can hear.

"People." Chloe says, and I can still tell she's staring me down. Right into the side of my head. I haven't look at Chloe since I left 6 months ago.

"Look at her Max. It'll help you move on even more." Victoria whispers. I shut my eyes, turn to Chloe, and open them. She has bags under her eyes, tear stains, and blood-shot eyes.

"You've been crying." I say, but not sounding like I care, which I actually do.

"Hello to you too." she says, not taking her eyes off of me. The bell rings, so I get my bag, remembering she hurt me, so I leave for the next class.


I can't believe I'm such a damn idiot. Rachel left, like, 4 months ago. And, I know Kate is my friend, but she won't understand. I didn't take my eyes off of Max the whole day.

"Come on Chlo, we gotta head to the Welcome Back party!" Kate whines.

"But, you know that Victoria and Nathan are gonna be patrolling Max all night." I sigh, laying down on my bed.

"You need to forget about Max." she says coldly as she shuts the door to leave. How can I forget about Max?!

"I just need a brake, Victoria." I hear Max say from outside. "I mean, maybe a little party with you guys could get my mind off things."

"Trust me Max, this is what you need. Just, let go, see what happens." she says. They walk away, and I know now that I gotta get to that party. I go out the window, so I don't seem like I'm following them, and run to the party. It's one of those parties that you wouldn't find Max at. Drinking.

Drinking is the one thing that Max would never do. I know that she's straight edge.

I see her and Victoria hug Nathan on the way in, Nathan joining them.

"Foooorrgeeett about hheeerrr." Warren slurs, walking up to me. Drunk.

"You're drunk." I say, walking away. "Max-"

"Don't try her." Nathan says calmly, staring me down. How is he not flipping out already?

"I just want to-"

"I said no!" Nathan says, a bit louder.

"Guys," Max says, "l-let me handle this." They both turn around and look at her crazy. They nod though, and walk away, leaving Max Caulfield in front of me. "Hey Chlo." she mumbles.

"Hi, Max." I say, giving a small wave. "Ok, I'm just gonna say it: why are you here at this party? This is a drinking party." I say, crossing my arms.

"Nathan and Victoria thought it would be a good idea for me to relax." she says, shrugging her shoulders.

"But this isn't you." I say sternly.

"Look, I was just gonna stick for 5 minutes. I need to get back to my dorm to hit the hay." she says, starting to walk away.

"Max! Wait!" I call, following her. She turns around and crosses her arms. "I'm sorry." I plead.

"I don't believe you." she says.

"But I am! You need to believe me!"

"Then prove it." she says flatly before walking away, leaving me at the party. Alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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