Not a cliché.

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Every single girl has that one dream that she will soon meet her prince charming and live in an amazing happy little world. WOW SO CUTE.

This is the most disgusting piece of shit I have ever heard.

I am a girl and I don't need a stupid boy to prove my worth. I am worthy enough alone.

"Are you crying? NAOMIIII" asks Richard. "No,not at all" was my instant reply and I wiped some stupid water on my face..and well that water happened to be salty. I wasn't crying.
"DID ASHTON SAY ANYTHING, I WILL KILL HIM" Richard was very angry.. well in the last few days things between Lizzie and Ashton were rough. He came to me for advise and Lizzie thought I'm trying to get him against her. Well anyway,I wasn't. I'm over it. I just didn't wanna lose a friend like Ashton. Never mind..We were all very busy with the upcoming fest. I was in charge of a rather sexist event. Girls had to take a quiz about all the Xbox and Ps4 blah blah games while depending on their quiz guys would get a chance to play the game.

Fest day :
"Hey Naomi" said Ashton and I hadn't spoken to him in ages. "Hello" I whispered. He knew I was upset so he didn't push it much.
The rest of the day was amazing;at the end of the day I had an amazing time and danced like crazy..

We never just like one person..We can't be stuck at that one person and hope that we end up with him/her. That's just a fantasy and this is reality while I was thinking about all this..I heard a voice,faint voice
"hey hey wait upppp"
It was quite dark and I was walking alone but I did wait,what did I have to lose anyway. As the faint voice grew louder and he came closer all I could see was an amazing built and a very cute boy. He was really cute and I was just lost and admiring him while I heard fingers snapping. *Out of the dreamland Naomi* I said to myself.
We spoke for a bit and he was lost and also new & wanted to eat something and without any hesitation he asked me if I wanted to join that I like;confidence. Why would someone want to go out with me? But anyway,I was starving.

I was not gonna fall in love. My life is not a cliché. I can't meet some stranger and think about a life with him. Not anymore. I don't even know him.

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