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Do you ever watch How I met your mother and wonder if you will ever find your Robin or if you will ever have someone like Ted crazy about you? Do you ever wish you had a cute relationship like Lily and Marshal. Do you ever watch any show and feel how perfect their life is?

I was sad. I was so horribly upset;I did not want to step out. And it was not Brandon.

Errr. About that evening...The next day he confessed that he has a girlfriend and that it is a long distance thing...He did have feelings for me but he couldn't act upon it. And that's okay. It's fine. I'm done.

But these shows are making me crazy. I was sad and I did what I normally would. Watch any series I love. I love Greys anatomy and How I met your mother.

So I decided to have like a HIMYM marathon. And as the show went on I felt much more pathetic about my life. It was sad. I didn't have a group of friends I could blindly trust. I didn't have a Ted. I was all alone. And this feeling was bad. It was our vacation and I didn't step out of the house for over 15 days. I was tired. I would just roam around in my pajamas;tell my parents in alright but was I?

My parents and my brother were going for a vacation. I did not want to go and after a huge argument,days of not talking they agreed. I was going to be alone for 20 days. I was happy. I wanted to be alone.

You must be wondering where Richard is and all my other friends?

Well let me tell you...

So I'm a hard person to be with. Really really hard and it sucks because I fall in love so fast and I care so much.

Whenever I'm upset I react in a pathetic manner but I want my friends to understand? Why can't they? Anywayy,Richard was dating Amanda and I'm all for them but he never had time for me..

I just wanted to stay home and eat ice cream and cry about my miserable life. Each passing minute I hope I'll have a nice group and I'll have people I can be with but it's just maybe I am supposed to be alone. I know this is all about me but I don't have anyone else..what do I tell youu..

But there was a party I was invited to later this week..maybe I'll go. Let's see. For now,I wish I could find a Barney to suit up and be legendary with me.

Heyyy guys. I've never really left any messages for all you lovely people.

Thanks for reading.
I would really appreciate feedback. Anything you feel should be taken care of.
Thanks again.

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