Chapter Two: Pauve Ti Bete (Poor Little Thing)

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A/N: Thank for reading JellyfishSong! 

"Why hello there!" a girl cheerily suddenly greeted them with her greedy blue eyes on Sylvie. Rosella. Zella. Never Rosie. Never even Rose. She was close to Amorette's age, a year older or younger and Amorette had known her since the first time she'd taken Amorette to bed ... or rather on a blanket hidden in the bushes behind Pirou's place and kissed her everywhere.

Beautiful Zella with her cinnamon skin and long blond hair that Amorette would have done anything to have. No bottle could give Amorette that same golden shade.

They still had sex with each other but only when Zella found a younger girl she wanted to mess around with. Then both girls worked the younger girl over and it got Zella off so much that Amorette was the beneficiary of her partner in crime's arousal.

At first Amorette only went along with it because she wanted to be with Zella but it didn't take long for Amorette to develop those same tastes. Which got really inconvenient when they wanted the same girl.

There were always those girls who were like Zella and were quite experienced at a very young age and even though she was always willing to get with them, what Zella really got off on was when she took the pure young maiden and got them to let her mess with them. The girls felt uneasy because they knew sex was bad but the better Zella made them feel, the less their resistance until they were hers to do what she wished to them.

Zella got a kick out of the fact that years later when the girl would messed with by a boy, Zella's manicured fingers had already been inside the girl's honeypot first. Some of those girls would see Zella's ministrations as experimentation and would never be with a girl again. Others would find Zella and try to become her lover, something Zella had no interest in at all.

But what really made Zella excited was when one of those girls found a pretty young girl and brought her to Zella, like a cat bringing a mouse to its mother. Watching her girl paw the younger girl and history repeating itself was what Zella had been after from the start.

And that was why the drool was nearly dripping out of Zella's mouth as she looked at Sylvie. "I'm Zella and you're new."

"Sylvie," the younger girl replied.

There was an eagerness in her dark brown eyes that Amorette hadn't seen before and a stab of jealousy knifed through her body. Amorette lusted for Sylvie, yes but this was stronger. It was a weird possessiveness, weird for a beautiful girl she'd known for less than two nights and she nearly growled at Zella.

"Hey, hey, 'Rette," Zella whispered in her ear, "there's no need for that. We'll both take our turns with her then I'll make you feel good."

"She's gonna disappoint you, Zella," Amorette whispered back. "Her Daddy turns her out, nothing for you to teach her."

Zella took her finger and covered Amorette's lips. "There's always something to teach, 'Rette."

Then she turned on the charm for Sylvie and approached her. "When you got to be back home to your Daddy?"

"Papa Ardoin," Amorette added.

"A little before sunrise."

Vague but it still gave them at least a few hours. "Your brother too?" Amorette asked.

Sylvie blinked. "Who?"

"Angelo," Amorette reminded her.

"Yes," Sylvie agreed. "All three of us."

Three? "Who's the third?"

"Who's Angelo?" Zella chimed in. She didn't care for boys at all.

"The third is Dimitri," Sylvie told them. "He's Angelo's cousin." Looked like Sylvie was done with her little white lies about her "brother."

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