Chapter 6

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Toby's POV

"No Spencer's not picking up either." I agreed with Caleb and Ezra who were on Skype with me. Ezra was marking work at his apartment, Caleb was still in bed and I was at eating on my break.

"Ew get your sweaty body off my screen it too early for sandwich porn," Caleb joked as he pushed his hair to the side. I don't think he's used to the idea of having hair that doesn't touch your shoulders.  Or fly free in the wind.

"Hey, I've got ten minutes before I need to get back to work so let's stick to the point." I smiled but wanted to get serious. I haven't seen Spencer in three days; no texts, calls, no sign of her.

Ezra readjusted his phone, "I thought you filmed your porn on Thursdays," he looked at his papers then said in a lowly voice, "Was it A?"

We all sighed, it must've been A. There's no other explanation.

"Weird thing is, no ones freaking out, that's definitely not good. With all the girls missing, you would've thought their parents would be a little anxious."

"I've been more than 'a little anxious'."
Walking through the department, I could see anything out of the ordinary. The usual silent, tense atmosphere with that smell of day old coffee forever lingering. Nothing new on the notice board except an advertisement for children modelling. Not helpful.

"Tanner." I called after the short, mysterious lady in hopes of finding some sort of explanation. Maybe she took them out o twin for safety reasons, like an evacuation.

"Cavanaugh. What a... Pleasant surprise. Please join me in my office, if you have time," Tanner gesture towards the unlabelled room. So that's what it is, no one in my team had a clue.

I could hear her heavy breathing and as she turned the key for that mysterious 'office' at the end of the overly-lit, I had that terrible feeling. It felt like someone had just dropped a massive ten ton weight into my stomach. I couldn't breathe. Why am I so worried? What's the worst that could happen? Actually, I'm just not going to think - I may throw up any minute.

"Cavanaugh, take a seat," Tanner flicked the lights on, the room was yellow. Everything was yellow. The curtains, the carpet, the sofa (that was secretly a rock - I know it's a rock) and the wallpaper. It wasn't fresh or remotely homely; it was like your grandma liquified her breath and turned it into a dye.

"Cavanaugh, are you going to answer me?"

She sat opposite me, a desk between the two o us with a laptop and multiple stacks of paper to decorate.

I abruptly replied, "Oh, er, could you um repeat the question, maybe?"

The intimidating woman glared at me, after a long sigh she inquired, "How are the four girls doing, you know who of course. I heard you and what's her face... Spencer! Yes, Spencer and you had got back together recently. Where is she?"

I didn't know if I was going to faint or punch her teeth in. But I smiled, "That's a personal relation and I tend to keep it that."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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